This has been written in plain text for the unfortunate who haven't been able to upgrade to the latest and "greatest" computers on the market, that is, DOS systems that can't understand that time didn't end at the year 1999. The file "Millnium.exe" is a simple text manipulation application that reads the date string in your computer and checks the last two characters to see if they are below a fixed value. If they are (presumably they have turned to the "00" or beyond), the string is adjusted to register "20xx" and the date string in your computer is reset. To make the program automatically reset the date, load the "Autoexec.bat" file in a text (only) editor ("Edit", "Edlin", etc.) and place the line millnium.exe near the end, or before any file called that might depend on an accurate date. Make sure that the "Millnium.exe" file is placed in your main directory or in a path previously set. Previously tested on systems to DOS 5.0. No guatantees are in effect by the use of this program as other applications may cause it to be ineffective. Circulate the program freely, but include this text with it so the user can install it properly. --- Walt Kalisty ---