ES MENU-FOR-WINDOWS PRICES ....................................................................... Private Home Use only 15 Pounds UK $25 US $35 Canada/Australia Commercial Use 25 Pounds UK $40 US $60 Canada/Australia If you wish to pay in any other currency please add $5 to the US price and apply the current exchange rate for your currency against the US dollar. ....................................................................... NOTES: We accept cash or cheques in any currency. Personal cheques MUST be made out in the curreny of the account. If your account is in DM then you must calculate the price in DM. You cannot alter DM to GBP on your cheque. If you pay by EuroCheque then it MUST be made out in GBP. We do NOT accept money orders, postal orders or postcheques from any country except the UK. ....................................................................... Please use the order form on page 2 to order by cheque or cash. Please use the order form on page 3 to order by credit card. All credit card orders must be placed with The Public Software Library in Houston Texas. This does not cause a delay in shipping your order as it is forwarded electronically to Easy Software on the same day. ...................................................................... If you are a member of Compuserve you can order electronically. GO SWREG product ID #12493 Private Home Use License #12494 Commercial Use Licence The cost will be charged on your next CIS Direct Debit. ...................................................................... You can also order electronically from our Internet WWW page at: Where you can also download evaluation copies of our other products. Please use this page to order by cash or cheque ....................................................................... Please supply: ..... Private Home Use License ..... Comercial Use License Deliver to: Name : Company : Address : Tel. ....................................................................... Please complete this form and mail to Easy Software Ltd. 3 Brookside Ct. Prestbury Rd. Macclesfield SK10 3BR UK With your payment in cash or cheque. Tel/FAX (+44) 1625 614669 (international) 01625 614669 UK Email Please use this page to order by credit card. ....................................................................... Please register one copy of ES Menu-For-Windows - Product ID #14764 Version:- ..... Private Home Use License @ $25 ..... Commercial Use License @ $40 and charge the cost to my VISA/Mastercard/AMEX/Discover Card No : Expires: Name on Card: Signature : Deliver to: Name : Company : Address : Tel. ....................................................................... Please complete this form and : FAX to: (+1) 713 524 6398 Mail to: The Public (Software) Library PO Box 35705 Houston Texas 77235-5705 USA Phone to: 800 242 4775 -- Toll free for US callers only. (+1) 713 524 6394 -- International orders.