Drag And View for Windows 95 Version 1.0 What is Drag And View Drag And View is a program that lets you view the contents of a file or files without having to run the program that created them. Drag And View can view the files created by popular word processors, databases, spreadsheets and bitmapped or vector graphic programs in their native format. You can also view any file in plain ASCII or hexadecimal format. Drag And View allows you to open multiple windows so you can easily compare files. You can search for text in any file or a hexadecimal string in the Hex viewer. You can also go to any cell in a spreadsheet, any record in a database and any address in the hexadecimal view of a file. Drag And View allows you to select all or any part of a viewed file and copy it to the Windows clipboard or print it. Printing of text files will be done in the default font of the printer and will not necessarily be formatted the same way as the file when displayed by its parent program. You can also Zoom in your view of a file up to 5 times the original file size. Drag And View operates differently under Windows 95 and Windows NT. Under Window 95 the easiest way to view a file is to right click on the file you want to view in any Explorer Window and choose "Drag And View" from the menu that comes up. If you want to view more than one file, first tag the files that you want to view, then right click on the files and choose "Drag And View" from the menu. If you want to open up additional Drag And View windows, choose the new window button from the toolbar. Under Windows NT, you first run Drag And View. When Drag And View is running it will appear as an icon on the lower left of your screen. To view files you can drag the selected files from the File Manager to the Drag And View icon or to any open Drag And View window. Or, you can click on the "Fmlaunch" menu item that is added to Windows File Manager's menu bar and choose "View files". Using the view files option will not open a new window if a window is already open. The same is true if you drag files to an open Drag And View window. However, dragging files to the Drag And View icon will always open a new window with the files displayed. Every Drag And View window maintains a listing of the files that you dragged to it in its "Filelist" menu. You can use the "Filelist" menu to choose a particular file in the list to view or you can use the "Last" and "Next" buttons to scroll through the list of files. Drag And View includes a utility called Fileman Launcher. which installs itself as a File Manager accessory in the NT File Manager. Fileman Launcher will run Drag And View automatically every time you run the NT File Manager and it will exit Drag And View every time that you exit File Manager. Fileman Launcher will prevent the Drag And View icon from being covered when you are working in File Manager. And, Fileman Launcher will remember the place where you last left the DV icon and will place it there the next time you run File Manager. You can add up to 9 other programs to Fileman Launcher and have it manage them the same way as it manages Drag And View. You can access Fileman Laucher from the "Fmlaunch" menu item that it adds to the NT File Manager. To add or remove programs or change the way Fileman Launcher runs programs, select "Modify program list" from the "Fmlaunch" menu. Drag And View supports multiple page Adobe Acrobat and spreadsheet files. If a file has more than one page, there will be an active "Page" menu where you can choose which page to view. File Formats Supported by Drag And View File formats supported in this version of Drag And View are: ASCII Hex Microsoft Word Microsoft Word for Windows, including version 7 Microsoft Works Microsoft Works for Windows, including version 3 Windows Write Word Perfect Word Perfect for Windows, including version 6 Ami Pro Q&A Write dBase FoxPro Clipper Excel, including Excel version 6 Lotus 123 Symphony Quattro, Quattro Pro Quattro Pro for Windows Windows Metafile (WMF) BMP ICO PCX GIF TIF JPEG TGA ZIP LZH TTF CorelDraw version 3 (CDR) AutoCad (DXF) Micrografix Designer (DRW) Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) Encapsulated Post Script/Adobe Illustrator (EPS/AI) Hewlett Packard Graphics Language (HPGL) Lotus (PIC) Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM/CTM) WordPerfect Graphics (WPG) Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Installing Drag And View Installation of Drag And View is very easy with the setup program provided. Run DVSETUP.EXE from the Win 95 Control Panel or the Win NT program manager. The DVSetup Program gives you two install and two uninstall options. Install options 1. You can install Drag And View without Fileman Launcher. This is the only option available under Windows 95. Under Windows 95, you view files by right clicking on them in Explorer. 2. You can install Drag And View with Fileman Launcher. Fileman Launcher installs itself as a File Manager extension and runs Drag And View every time you run the NT File Manager. Fileman Launcher will also keep Drag And View's icon uncovered when you are working in File Manager. Uninstall options Under Windows 95 you can choose to uninstall Drag And View by choosing Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel and then choosing to remove Drag And View for Win 32. Under Windows NT there is an uninstall program provided called DVUN.EXE which you will have to run manually. The uninstall program will remove all the programs except the uninstall program itself. You will have to remove the uninstall program manually. To remove just Fileman Launcher you choose that option from the FMLaunch menu in the NT File Manager. Installing The DVSetup program will ask you which drive and directory you would like to install Drag And View to. If the destination is different from where you are installing from, all files will be copied over to the new path. If the files on the installation diskette are compressed, the DVSetup program will decompress them while copying them. Using Drag And View If you are working in Windows 95 Explorer, right click on the file that you want to view. If you want to view more than one file, first tag the files that you want to view and right click on them. A context menu will come up. Choose the "Drag And View" option from the context menu and a Drag And View window will open displaying the first file in the list. Under Windows NT you can drag files from the File Manager to its icon or, you can use the "Fmlaunch" menu that Fileman Launcher adds to File Manager's menu bar. All the files that you've dragged or right clicked on will be listed in the Drag And View window's "Filelist" menu and you can use that menu to display the other files. If you want to view two or more files in the file listing simultaneously, you can choose the "New" button and Drag And View will open up a new window with the same file list. You can open up as many windows this way as your computer's memory will support. You can also drag more files to any open Drag And View window; they will be added to the "Filelist" menu and the first one in the group will be displayed. The "Filelist" menu will hold up to 25 files. After 25, as you drag new files, the older ones will be dropped off the list. When Drag And View displays a file, it first tries to determine if it can display the file in one of its special viewers. If there is no special viewer for the file, it will be shown with either the ASCII viewer (if the file is made up chiefly of readable characters) or the Hex viewer. Under Windows NT, the Drag And View icon will still remain at the bottom of your screen even after you've dragged files to it and opened up a viewing window. You can continue to drag files to the icon and each time that you do, a new window will be opened. Any open Drag And View window can be closed, maximized or minimized to an icon. You can drag files to a minimized Drag And View window and it will be restored and display your files. When you want to quit the Drag And View Program under Windows NT you must choose "Close" from the system menu of the Drag And View icon or choose "Close Drag And View" from the file menu of any open Drag And View window. This is not necessary under Windows 95 where Drag And View will close automatically when there are no view windows open.. You can also run Drag And View from the File/Run menu of any program manager. If you use a file name as a command line argument, Drag And View will run and display the file that you specified in a window. You can also install Drag And View as the viewer for other programs such as our Zip manager, Drag And Zip. Selecting and Copying to the Clipboard Selecting areas of views to copy to the clipboard is very easy with Drag And View. Simply place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the area that you want to copy. Then press the left button and drag the mouse to the end of the area that you want to copy, still holding down the left button until you are finished selecting. You can also select the entire file by choosing "Select All" from the "Edit" menu. To copy a selected area to the clipboard, click on the copy button or press Ctl+C or Alt+C and the selected area will be copied. Text, spreadsheet or database files will be copied as text. All graphics files will be copied as bitmaps. All viewers allow selecting and copying except the WAV file player and the Hex viewer. Launch Clicking on the "Launch" button will run the program associated with the file that you are currently viewing. If you are viewing a data file or a picture, Drag And View will query Windows to find out the name of the program that you have associated with the file. If there is an associated program, Drag And View will run that program and pass to it the file that you are currently viewing as a command line argument. For example, if you are viewing a document from Microsoft Word for Windows, Drag And View will run Word for Windows and have it load up the document that you are currently viewing. If you don't have a program associated with the file, Drag And View will not be able to run any program but will let you browse through your programs to choose one. When choosing a program to launch, you will be given the opportunity to make the association permanent. If the file you are viewing is a program, Drag And View will run it when you choose this command. Copy The copy button will be available only if part of the view has been selected. You can select areas to copy by dragging the mouse over them or by choosing "Select All" from the "Edit" menu. Clicking on the Copy button will copy the selected area to the Windows Clipboard. All text, spreadsheet and database files will be copied as text. All graphic files will be copied as bitmaps. New Window When you click on the "New Window" button, Drag And View will open up a new window with the same file list as the current window. Choose this command when you want to view the same files in two or more windows at the same time. You can then arrange these windows to view different parts of the same file side by side or choose another file from the file list and compare the two files. You can open up as many new windows as you want, up to available memory on your computer. Goto This button will only be active when viewing a database or spreadsheet, or in the Hex viewer. For database viewing, this button will open up a dialog box where you can enter a specific record to go to and view. For spreadsheet viewing, this button will open up a dialog box where you can enter a specific cell to go to. In the Hex viewer, this button will open up a dialog box where you can enter a specific hexadecimal offset into the file that the viewer will show. Find This button is active in all the viewers except the graphic and WAV viewers. Use this button to search for specific text in a file. In all viewers except the Hex viewer you can specify that your search be case sensitive. In the Hex viewer you can search in ASCII as well as hexadecimal. Choosing this command will open up a dialog box where you can enter your search information. Choosing OK will find the first match in the file. Choosing OK each time will find each subsequent match. Last, Next The "Last" and "Next" buttons allow you to scroll through the files in the Filelist. These buttons won't be active unless the Filelist menu has more that one file in it Print Clicking on the "Print" button will bring up a dialog box from which you can print a file. If part of the file is selected, you will be able to print just the selection or the entire file. Spreadsheet, text and database files will be printed in the printers default font. Graphic files will be printed the way they are displayed. The WAV file player and the Hex viewer do not allow printing. Play The play button will only appear when you have opened a Wav file in Drag And View. A Wav file is a Windows sound file and it has a "WAV" extension. When you open a Wav file in Drag And View, DV will try to play the Wav file if you have a sound driver installed. If you want to hear the Wav file again, click on the Play button. Open Command (File Menu) Use this command to add a new file to the current window. Choosing this command will open a dialog box from which you can choose a new file to view. If there is a special file viewer for the file, it will be shown in its native format. Otherwise, it will be shown with either the ASCII viewer (if the file is made up chiefly of readable characters), or the Hex viewer. When you open a file in this manner, the file will be displayed in the current window and its name will be added to the top of the "Filelist" menu. Word Wrap Command (File Menu) This command is only available in Drag And View's ASCII viewer. Use this command to turn word wrap on or off when viewing ASCII text files. When word wrap is on, Drag And View will wrap each line at the current window width. As you expand the width of the window, Drag And View will expand the length of the lines. When word wrap is active, there will be a check mark before this command. When you turn word wrap off, the check mark will disappear. Save As Command (File Menu) All the graphics windows will have a save as option on the file menu. With this option you can save the file currently being displayed in 6 different bitmap formats. BMP PCX TIF GIF JPG TGA Exit Command (File Menu) Use this command to close the current window. Close Drag And View (File Menu) Under Windows NT, closing all the Drag And View windows will not close the Drag And View icon. You can use this menu option to close all the windows and the DV icon. Select All Command (Edit Menu) Use the "Select All" command to select all of the viewed file to print or copy to the clipboard. Selected areas of text files, spreadsheets and databases will appear in reverse video. Selected areas of graphics files will have a rectangle around them. Copy Command (Edit Menu) Choose this menu item to copy selected areas of files to the Windows Clipboard. Text files, databases and spreadsheets will be copied as text. Graphics files will be copied as bitmaps. ASCII Command (View Menu) Use this command to view a file in Windows ASCII format. Hex Command (View Menu) Use this command to view a file in hexadecimal format. The Hex viewer displays a file as a series of hexadecimal (base 16) numbers and ASCII characters. Viewer Command (View Menu) Use this command to view a file with one of Drag And View's viewers that views the file in its native format. This will be the default if a file format is supported by Drag And View. The only reason you will need to select this command is if you changed to the ASCII or Hex viewer and now want to change back. Fonts Command (Options Menu) This command will bring up a dialog box where you can choose which font you want Drag And View viewers to use. The font that you choose will be active in all the viewers that display text except the Hex viewer. Settings Command (Options Menu) Choosing this command will bring up a dialog box where you can modify Drag And View's settings The settings options are: "View Highlighted File Automatically": This option will only work when you are running Drag And View from Fileman Launcher or running Drag And View with Canyon Software's file manager Drag And File. If this option is turned on, Drag And View will display each file as it is highlighted in the File Manager. It will not open a Drag And View window if one is not already running. For that you need the next option. "Open View Window if Necessary": This option works in conjunction with the previous one. This will open a Drag And View window to view files if one isn't already open. "Bring View Window To Top": This option is also designed to work in conjunction with the option "View Highlighted File Automatically". When this option is checked, the view window will always come to the top when a new file is highlighted and consequently displayed. If it is not checked, the view window will stay where it currently is. "Hide Icon": The Drag And View Icon will normally be showing on the screen when it is running. Some users have requested that the icon be hidden and that they only use the FMLaunch menu to view files. With this option you can make Drag And View's icon not show when it is running. After checking this option you will have to quit Drag And View and run it again to have it activated. "Icon Caption": Many users have requested that they be able to modify the caption of Drag And View icon. In this field you can fill in whatever caption you want it to have. If you leave it blank, Windows will put a blank line in reverse video under the icon. Zoom Command (Main Menu) Use this option to quickly zoom in the view of your file. This command will be available with all files except WAV files and the Hex display. Drag And View DWG allows you to zoom AutoCAD views from 1/4 to 16 times. Additionally you can mark any rectangle by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse accross the screen. A rectangle will be drawn from the starting point of the mouse to where you take your finger off of the left mouse button. You can then and zoom that rectangle to fill the view window. Flip Top to Bottom (Rotate Menu) This option allows you to rotate a bitmap 180 degrees. Reverse Left to Right (Rotate Menu) This option allows you to reverse a bitmap left to right. Rotate 90 Degrees (Rotate Menu) This option allows you to rotate a bitmap 90 degrees. Filelist Command (Main Menu) The "Filelist" menu displays the names of all the files that have been dragged to the open window or opened from the file menu. The file that is currently displayed has a check before the name. Highlighting another file and pressing Enter or clicking on another file name with the mouse will display that file. Page Command (Main Menu) This command will not be available unless you are viewing a graphic or spreadsheet with multiple pages. You can use it to view the additional pages of the file. Drag And View currently supports multiple pages in PDF, Quattro Pro for Windows (WB1) and Excel files. Close All Windows Command (Drag And View icon System Menu) Use this command to close all the currently open Drag And View windows. Drag And View will still be running and its icon will still be displayed. Close Command (Drag And View icon System Menu) Use this command to exit the Drag And View program. All open Drag And View windows will be closed at this time. Running Drag And View from The Windows NT File Manager with Fileman Launcher When you install Drag And View under Windows NT, it will install Fileman Launcher as a File Manager accessory. Every time File Manager is run, Fileman Launcher will also be run and will run Drag And View. Every time File Manager is closed, Fileman Launcher will close and will close Drag And View. Fileman Launcher has its own menu in File Manager called "Fmlaunch". You can use the "Fmlaunch" menu to view files without having to drag them to the DV icon. Inorder to do this, Drag And View must be running. Just click on the "View files" option in the "Fmlaunch" menu and Drag And View will view the files that you currently have selected in File Manager. There is also a "Zip files" menu option in Fileman Launcher. This option that will work with Drag And Zip another program from Canyon Software that works as Zip file manager. When you choose "View files", Drag And View will place the selected files into one of its open windows. If no Drag And View windows are open, Drag And View will open one and display the files. Getting Help Canyon Software is committed to producing software that is useful and productive. To help users make full use of Drag And File, Canyon Software maintains a technical help line for registered users from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Pacific Time. Phone (415) 453-9779 Fax (415) 453-6195 BBS (415) 453-4289 CompuServe 74774,554 America On Line DanBCan Internet support@canyonsw.com Drag And View File Formats Page 18 Page 3 What is Drag And View Page 1 File Formats Page 4 Drag And View Installing Drag And View Page 5 Using Drag And View Page 17 Getting Help