1 There are no local hard drives on your machine, so there is nothing for ClockMan to schedule. 2 You must select at least one of your local hard drives to scan. 3 You must select when this event will occur. 4 We're about to scan drive %s for viruses 5 We're about to scan drives %s for viruses 6 We're about to scan for viruses using DEFAULT.VSC 7 <custom> 8 You must choose either a .VSC file or <custom>. 9 Log files|*.txt;*.log 10 Log files 11 Scan drive %s 12 (No drives selected) 14 Scan inside compressed archives 15 Don't scan inside compressed archives 18 continue scanning 19 prompt user 20 clean the infected file 21 delete the infected file 22 log activity to %s 23 don't log activity to file 24 continue scanning if virus found 25 prompt user if virus found 26 clean the infected file if virus found 27 delete the infected file if virus found 40 \Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan95|Scan95.exe|McAfee's VirusScan 95 41 \Win32App\VirusScanNT|Scan32.exe|McAfee's VirusScan NT 42 \Program Files\Norton AntiVirus|NAVW32.exe|Norton AntiVirus for Windows 43 \Win32App\NTTools\NAVNT|N32ScanW.exe|Norton AntiVirus for NT 29000 Couldn't create WIL file %s. 29005 ClockMan can't find %s in any of its normal directories. You'll have to show us where %s is located... 29006 Browsing for %s 29007 Program files|*.exe 29008 Searching for %s... 33001 Browse for %s 33002 Searching for %s...