Alarm! Version 1.51b Registration Form ====================================== Thanks for registering Alarm! On registering, you will get the following: - registration information that will uncripple this copy and run it as a registered and fully functional copy, - free bug fixes (if any) for this version, - free support directly from the author via internet email, - Notification by internet email when future versions of the program become available, and - possible free upgrades. ............................................................................ Notes for Registered User of Alarm! Version 1.00 - 1.51a ======================================================== Thanks for your support. This version of Alarm! is free for registered users. Your registration information for version 1.51 is still valid for this verison. So just replace the old version and enjoy! ............................................................................ REGISTRATION CHARGES ==================== Registration fee is US$9. A postal fee of US$2 is to be included for users who want to receive the registration information via postal mail. Please make all Checks or Money Orders payable to Choo Guan Chuan. ............................................................................ REGISTRATION ADDRESS ==================== Please send all registration forms to the address below: Choo Guan Chuan Blk 111 #01-1694 Jalan Bukit Merah Singapore 160111 From 08 MAR 96 to 15 APR 96, an alternate address is Choo Guan Chuan 330 Elan Village Lane #6-324 San Jose CA 95134 ............................................................................ GETTING REGISTRATION INFORMATION IN ADVANCE THROUGH INTERNET EMAIL ================================================================== If you have decided to register for this program and would like to receive the registration information in advance through internet email, just send me an email saying that you would like to register the program and will send me the registration form and stated amount in the next few days. In the email, please attach a fully completed soft copy of this registration form. On receiving the email, I will send you the registration information in advance for your pleasure! ............................................................................ User Information ================ Please fill up all the blanks in this section. The author reserves the right to reject any forms that are not properly filled. 1. Name:___________________________________________________________________ 2. Postal Address:_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Email Address:__________________________________________________________ 4. Please tick one of the following options: [ ] I would like to receive Alarm! version 1.51b registration information via e-mail (Internet) or [ ] I would like to receive Alarm! version 1.51b registration information via postal mail. 5. Enclosed is my Check, Money Order or Cash of: [ ] S$____ (for Singapore users) [ ] US$____ (for overseas users) 6. My comments or suggestions for Alarm! (if any): ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. How/Where do I get Alarm!: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Please sign here:_______________________________________________________ 9. Date (MM/DD/YY):________________________________________________________ Thanks for registering, Robin