Please read the Install.txt file when installing and follow the directions carefully. This Setup program will walk you through it. You will need to use the test feature of WinSafe95 if another program installs Hidden Files in the future. If an Msdos window stays open during the test or setup please close it and continue. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WAIT TIME<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WinSafe95 can not read files that are in use. If you receive an error notice during startup(bootup); after installing new programs, you may adjust the wait time. You may also adjust it if WinSafe95 does not start scanning(the PLEASE WAIT window displays when scanning) immediately after boot up. You should not see the PLEASE WAIT window appear till after all Virus Scanners have started (if you have scanner at bootup). The value is set to 7. Increasing the number will cause a longer wait time and decreasing it will shorten wait time. WinSafe95 must wait till the Registry is load (after your ICONS are on the desktop) and all programs(ie:. virus scanners) have finished booting into Windows Try rebooting before continuing. If you get a message window that WinSafe95 can not read a file click on SETUP and then WAIT TIME and adjust the value. If you still get an error message see TESTING in the help file.