Splitz. File splitting and joining utility for Microsoft Windows. Version 1.0. Copyright c 1996 by Diego Barros. email > alien@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au ----------- To install the program copy the SPLITZ.EXE and SPLITZ.HLP files to any directory. Include icons for these files in your program manager groups if you like. ----------- This program is Freeware. It is provided "AS IS". The author takes no responsibility for any damage caused by this program. You can copy it as many times as you like. Give it to anyone as long as all the files in the distribution are included and no changes are made to any files. The files which should be included are: SPLITZ.EXE The program. SPLITZ.HLP Help file. README.TXT Installation and program information. (This file). The files may be distributed as originally, that being an archive ZIP file. Or the 3 above files in an archive file format of any other archiving program. Please read the License Agreement in the help file.