Replicator For Windows Version 2.01 The Diskette Database Copyright c 1994-1996 by Stevenson Technical Services, Incorporated 108 Second Avenue West, PO Box 297 Bertha MN 56437-0297 USA FAX: 218-924-2050, BBS: 218-924-2060 Internet:, E-Mail: Welcome! Thank you for trying Replicator For Windows! Replicator is a disk image utility used to create images of diskettes and catalog them in a database. Recreate disks easily. The database stores a description and a complete list of files contained on the original diskette. Modify database entries at any time. Replicator includes DMF disk support, easy database browsing, printing support, extensive searching capability, and network support. Replicator has an easy-to-use Windows interface to make it fast and user-friendly! If you appreciate Replicator, you are encouraged to let us know! Comments, suggestions, and enhancement requests are always welcome! Send internet mail to or reach us on CompuServe at 76300,3066. Requirements To run Replicator reliably, you will need the following: ú DOS 3.3 or Higher ú IBM PC, PC-Compatible or MS-DOS Computer ú 80286 Processor or Higher and a Hard Drive ú Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows NT Disclaimer / License Agreement What is shareware? Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details - some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee - if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. Disclaimer - Agreement By using Replicator, users indicate their acceptance of the following terms: "Replicator is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. Neither STSI, The STSI BBS, or any STSI employees will be held responsible for any damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Replicator." "Information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of STSI. STSI may make improvements and/or changes in this documentation or in the products and/or programs described in this documentation at any time." Replicator is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful and find that you are using Replicator and continue to use Replicator after a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration payment of $49.95 (+S&H) to Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI). This registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like a book. An example is that this software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time, Replicator should not be used on two different computers at the same time. Commercial users of Replicator must register and pay for their copies of Replicator within 30 days of first use or their license is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting STSI via e-mail at Anyone distributing Replicator for any kind of remuneration must first contact STSI for authorization. This authorization will be automatically granted to distributors recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering Replicator immediately. (However STSI must still be advised so that the distributor can be kept up- to-date with the latest version of Replicator.) You are encouraged to pass a copy of Replicator along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive a copy of the latest version of the Replicator, along with a printed manual and bonus disks. ASP Notice: STSI is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536. Registration Replicator For Windows is distributed under the shareware concept. You may try Replicator for a period of two weeks. After this period, you must either discontinue using it, or register it. A single-user license is only $49.95 (+$5.00 Shipping & Handling in the U.S., or $10.00 Shipping & Handling on Foreign Orders). (For network or site-license pricing, see the file REGISTER.DOC.) This price includes a printed manual, a 3 1/2" diskette containing the latest version, removal of nag screens and the 10-record database limit, along with a Registration Name and Number allowing you to register your copy of Replicator. An e-mail registration option is available for users who do not need a manual and disk sent to them. A single-user e-mail registration costs $39.95 (no shipping & handling fees apply). Simply send PRIVATE CompuServe mail to 76300,3066 (or use internet mail at your own risk: Tell us that you want to register Replicator For Windows and give us your name, address, telephone number, credit card number, and expiration date. As soon as we process your credit card information, we'll send you a registration code good for all version 2.x releases of Replicator For Windows. For those of you who would like to register using SWREG on CompuServe, Replicator is Registration ID #12839. Since CompuServe charges us a fee for this service, the registration price when using SWREG is $59.95 (+S&H). If you would like to order a network/site license using SWREG, you can use the following SWREG ID numbers for the corresponding site-licenses. Number of Users: SWREG ID# Single-User 12839 License 5-User License 12905 10-User License 12906 20-User License 12907 50-User License 12908 100-User License 12909 Once registered, you will no longer see the nag screens, reminding you to register Replicator. For further registration information and pricing, please read the REGISTER.DOC file included with Replicator. Upgrade Policy If you purchased Replicator For Windows version 1.x within 30 days of the version 2.x release, you are entitled to a free upgrade. (A registration code will be sent to you via internet mail, upon your request.) If you are a registered user of Replicator For DOS version 1.x or Replicator For Windows version 1.x, you can upgrade to Replicator For Windows version 2.x for a small fee. A single-user upgrade is only $30.00 (disk & manual included) or $20.00 for an e-mail upgrade (see above for an explanation of registering via e-mail). Network and site-license users wanting to upgrade can see the file REGISTER.DOC for network upgrade pricing. How To Order To register, do ONE of the following (whichever you prefer): 1. Call The STSI BBS at 218-924-2060 and order online. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards. This method of ordering can be performed 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. (Ordering this way is fast and easy, allowing us to process your request quickly.) 2. You can FAX your order to 218-924-2050. Simply fill out the registration form provided with the program (REGISTER.DOC), include your credit card information on the bottom of the form, and sign it. (Most FAX transmissions will be automatically routed to the FAX machine. If you have problems reaching our FAX machine, wait until after the first ring, press 11, and then begin transmitting.) 3. Send PRIVATE CompuServe mail to 76300,3066, stating that you would like to register this program. Please include your name, address, telephone number, credit card number, and credit card expiration date. Also include the name you want the program registered to, such as your company's name, etc. If you want to receive a temporary registration code that can be used until you receive your order in the mail, simply request this, as well. (Comments and questions are also welcome when you place your order.) 4. Mail the registration form along with your payment to: Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI) 108 2nd Avenue West, PO Box 297 Bertha, MN 56437-0297 USA. Technical Support: Technical support is available through the following means: Internet: Access STSI's internet home page at Check the bulletins for information on the latest versions of our software. Software updates can be downloaded through our web site or via anonymous ftp to (files are located in the \pub directory). Internet Mail: STSI will respond to messages sent via the Internet. Send any tech support related questions, comments, or suggestions to The STSI BBS: New versions of this program will be posted here as soon as they are available. The STSI BBS uses a U.S. Robotics V.Everything modem, which is capable of V.FAST, V.32bis, V.32, and 2400 baud connect speeds. The access number for The STSI BBS is 218-924-2060. Technical support questions posted on the bulletin board system should be addressed to Craig Stevenson. STSI FAX: STSI has a FAX machine on-line 24 hours-a-day to accept FAX transmissions. Technical support questions / problems may be faxed to 218-924-2050. Most FAX transmissions will be automatically routed to the FAX machine. If you have problems reaching our FAX machine, wait until after the first ring, press 11, and then begin transmitting. Please read the following before requesting technical support: 1. Read the documentation files (and the help screens, if available). Most questions can be answered by simply reading the docs. 2. If you have a modem, call The STSI BBS and download the latest version. (Read Bulletin #1 on our BBS to find out the latest version and release date of this program. When downloading a file, keep in mind that STSI's programs are always posted in area 27.) After you download the latest version, try it and see if you are still experiencing the same problem. We attempt to fix problems as soon as we become aware of them, and post the updated versions on the bulletin board system. (Check the .REV revision file for information on feature enhancements and bug-fixes.) 3. If you still cannot find an answer, contact us through one of the means outlined above. We will do our best to assist you and answer any questions you may have. We attempt to answer all questions within 24 hours, whether they are received via internet mail, CompuServe mail, our BBS, or FAX. We are sorry, but we cannot accept technical support questions by phone. 4. When contacting us, please be prepared to answer the following questions: What version of this program are you using? What problem(s) are you having, if any? What type of computer CPU do you have (486DX2-66, etc.)? What version of DOS are you using? Please be as specific as possible. The more specific you are, the faster we will be able to assist you. 5. When corresponding with any of our employees, please be considerate. Explain your problem as carefully as possible. 6. If one of our employees is able to help you, and you continue to use this program, register it! We cannot continue to produce quality programs without the continuing support of our users. What Is Replicator? Replicator is a disk image utility used to create images of diskettes and catalog them in a database. Recreate disks easily. The database stores a description and a complete list of files contained on the original diskette. Modify database entries at any time. Replicator includes DMF disk support, easy database browsing, printing support, extensive searching capability, and network support. Replicator has an easy-to-use Windows interface to make it fast and user-friendly! Why Use Replicator? When I first became involved in computers, keeping track of program diskettes wasn't really a problem. I put the DOS disks in a three-ring binder sleeve, and the Lotus 1-2-3 disks in two sleeves. I placed the three sleeves into the binder containing the operating manual for my computer, and everything was in one place. As computer software has become more complex, this technique has proven to be impractical, if not impossible. When I purchased OS/2, it arrived on twenty-one 3 1/2" high-density diskettes! If I were to put all of the original program diskettes for every piece of software that I own into a three- ring binder, I'm sure I couldn't even lift it! Another situation that I run into occasionally is that an original program diskette will go bad. Of course I never know that the diskette has gone bad until I desperately need it, and then it is too late. In our business, we use a wide variety of software on a regular basis. Since our hardware changes frequently, it is necessary to update drivers periodically. This creates a problem, since we store original program diskettes off-site to prevent against fire loss. Programs installed on my computer at home have the original diskettes store at our office and programs installed on the computer at our office have the original diskettes stored at home. I have probably made enough trips to the office and back to qualify for frequent flyer mileage. Where does Replicator fit in? Replicator is a program designed to take a "snap-shot" of a floppy diskette, and store the information in an image file. This image file contains all of the information stored on the original diskette, including DOS, directories and sub- directories, programs, and data. The image file can be stored on a hard disk, and even transferred over a modem. When the diskette is needed at some future date, Replicator decompresses the image file onto a blank (formatted) diskette, creating a look- alike version of the original. When the image file is created, Replicator adds a record to the database containing information about the archived diskette. The database stores up to 10 lines of descriptive text, the date the file was created, and a complete list of all files contained on the original diskette! Database entries can be modified at any time. Replicator has an easy-to-use Windows interface that includes easy browsing, printing support, and extensive searching capability. Network users will also appreciate Replicator's ability to manage the database in a network environment. Now, when a new program arrives at our office, the original disks are replicated using Replicator, and the image files are stored off-site in a diskette archive. The original disks are available locally if needed, but can be reproduced by Replicator if disaster strikes. One obvious application for Replicator is for network supervisors who need to access original program diskettes from any workstation on a network. If the Replicator diskette images are maintained on a network drive, any workstation can have access to the images, allowing the recreation of program diskettes that contain special printer drivers or other needed configuration files. Installing Replicator The installation procedure for Replicator is quite simple. The package includes a program, "SETUP.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 1 megabyte of available disk space on the hard drive on which you plan to install Replicator. The exact steps you need to take will depend on how you received Replicator. Installing From Diskettes To install from diskette(s), you need to perform the following steps. 1. Place Replicator distribution diskette "Disk 1" in the appropriate diskette drive. 2. From Program Manager, select Run. Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program on the distribution diskette. For example, if the distribution diskette is on drive A:, type the command, "a:setup". 3. Follow the instructions presented by the setup program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the Replicator files to that directory. If you received Replicator on two diskettes, you will need to insert Disk 2 in the diskette drive when asked to do so. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. Installing From A Hard Drive If you downloaded Replicator from a BBS (or received it in the form of archive files from some other source), you will need to perform the following steps. 1. Extract the contents of the archive file(s) in a temporary directory on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. In all likelihood, the fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform this step. If not, you should be able to obtain directions for this from the same source from which you received the package. 2. From Program Manager, select Run. Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program which you have extracted. For example, if the temporary directory into which you have extracted the files is C:\TEMPDIR, you would type the command, "c:\tempdir\setup". 3. Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The installation program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the program files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. When you're satisfied that the installation was successful, you should delete the temporary directory FROM which you installed the program, (C:\TEMPDIR, in the above discussion), including all its contents. Note : If you are upgrading from a previous version, Replicator will issue a warning before overwriting the file REPWIN.INI. If you have already set up your registration information and user preferences in Replicator, answer "N" (No) to instruct the setup program not to overwrite this file. When the installation is complete, a message box will be displayed, and when you select Ok the setup program will terminate. Users who currently have Replicator For DOS may want to share the database information between the two programs. To do this, simply install Replicator For Windows into the same directory where Replicator For DOS is located. Replicator For Windows will automatically use the same database files as the DOS version. (Likewise, users installing the DOS version can install Replicator For DOS into the same directory as the Replicator For Windows directory.) Make Image Description: This screen allows you to enter the information needed to create a Replicator image file (.RIF) file. If this is the first image file you are creating during this session of Replicator, the default settings will be used. After the first image file has been created during a session, Replicator will remember the information provided for the previous disk image, and place it into the appropriate fields. This is useful when creating image files for a disk set, such as Microsoft Windows. Instead of retyping the title, "Microsoft Windows 3.1" into the description fields each time, Replicator will remember your settings, saving you keystrokes. To clear the settings and reset them to the defaults, select the "Clear" button. File To Create: Enter the name of the disk image file that should be created. Do not enter an extension on the filename. An extension of .RIF (which stands for Replicator Image File) is appended to the filename automatically. Description: Enter up to 10 lines of descriptive text about the disk image that will be created. This text is stored in the database, and allows you to more easily locate a needed file in the future. For example, you may want to store the name of the program that was contained on the disk, the author's name, the disk sequence (disk 1 of 5), and any registration or serial numbers assigned to the program. Compress File: Place a mark in this check box to specify whether or not Replicator should compress the image file after it has been created. If compression is specified, Replicator will use built-in compression routines to store the image file in a PKZIP 2.0 compatible ZIP file. Scan Disk For Viruses: Check this box to specify whether or not Replicator should scan the floppy disk for viruses before attempting to create an image of it. In order to use this feature, you must have at least one virus scanner enabled on the Virus Scanner Options screen (which is available from the Settings menu). Drive: This field should contain the drive letter of the diskette that will be copied to an image file. The letter in this field must be the letter of a floppy drive on your computer system (usually A: or B:). Disk Type: Select the type of floppy disk that you are using to create the disk image file. You are strongly encouraged to use the "Auto Detect" setting to allow Replicator to automatically detect the correct disk type. The only situation where you will want to specify the disk type manually is if you are using Replicator For Windows under OS/2. Image Path: Enter the path where the disk image file should be created. This path defaults to the entry contained in the "Image Path" field on the Defaults screen. Start: When the Start button is selected, Replicator will attempt to read the disk in the specified disk drive and create an image file. If the image file was successfully created and compression was specified, Replicator will attempt to compress the image file into PKZIP 2.0 format. If this process is successful, the record will be added to the database. Cancel: Selecting the Cancel button causes Replicator to close the displayed dialog and return to the main screen. Clear: The Clear button can be used to erase all of the text in the filename and description fields and reset the drive, path, compression, and virus scanner settings to the defaults. Make Disk Description: When this option is selected, Replicator displays the Make Disk dialog box, which allows you to select a target drive for the new disk, and whether or not the newly created disk is verified for integrity. The file that is written to the disk is the one that was displayed on the database screen when this option was selected. Target Drive: This field should contain the drive letter of the diskette that will be created from the existing image file. The letter in this field must be the letter of a floppy drive on your computer system (usually A: or B:). Verify Disk After Creation: Place a check mark in this check box to specify whether or not Replicator should verify the tracks on the diskette after they have all been written. If this option is turned on, Replicator will write all of the information to the diskette and make a second pass in order to verify the tracks. Start: When the Start button is selected, Replicator will search for the image file. If it exists, it will attempt to write it to the specified disk drive, creating an image of the original disk. If Replicator cannot find the image file with a .RIF extension, it will search for the same file using a .ZIP extension, indicating that it is in compressed format. If the compressed file exists, Replicator will decompress it and then attempt to write it to the specified disk drive. Cancel: Selecting the Cancel button causes Replicator to close the displayed dialog box and return to the main screen. Format Diskette Drive: This field should contain the drive letter of the diskette that will be formatted. The letter in this field must be the letter of a floppy drive on your computer system (usually A: or B:). Disk Type: Select the type of floppy disk format that you want to use when formatting the inserted diskette. Volume Label: Enter the volume label that should be placed on the diskette that will be formatted. Verify Disk: Place a check mark in this check box to specify whether or not Replicator should verify the tracks on the diskette when it is formatted. Start: When the Start button is selected, Replicator begins to format the disk you inserted. Cancel: Selecting the Cancel button causes Replicator to close the displayed dialog box and return to the main screen. Defaults Image Path: This field should contain the default path where your disk image files will be stored. In most cases, you will want to maintain the image files in the \REPWIN sub-directory. Working Directory: This field should contain the path where Replicator will decompress the compressed image files, in order to write the image to a diskette. In previous versions of Replicator, the decompressed file was created in the same directory where the compressed file existed. Internally, however, we have placed most of our compressed image files on CD-ROMs, making the "working directory" feature a necessity. Most users will want to decompress the image files into the \REPWIN directory. Options: Auto-Clear Fields On Make Image Screen: Check whether or not Replicator should automatcally clear all of the fields on the Make Image screen when it is initially displayed. If this field is checked, the filename and description fields will be cleared, and all other fields will be reset to their default values. Compress File: Check whether or not Replicator should compress the image file after it has been created. If compression is specified, Replicator will use built-in compression routines to store the image file in a PKZIP 2.0 compatible ZIP file. Note: This is only a default setting, and can be overridden when creating each individual disk image. This option is ON by default. Beep When Done: Check whether or not Replicator should beep when it is done creating an image, creating a disk, or formatting a disk. This option is ON by default. Int 25/26 Reading/Writing: Check whether or not Replicator should use Interrupt 25 and 26 for the reading and writing of floppy diskettes. This option is ONLY recommended on systems that use OS/2 (version 2.x or 3.0) and have been experiencing intermittent errors, such as "DMA Crossed 64K Boundary", "Sector Not Found", "Bad Disk", time-out errors, and others. This option is OFF by default. (Note: The Int 25/26 Reading/Writing feature does not support the following extended disk types: DMF (2048), DMF (1024), 1.68MB, and 1.72MB.) Show Tips At Startup: Check whether or not the Tips dialog box should be shown each time Replicator is started. These Tips offer helpful hints and troubleshooting information for addressing certain problems that users may encounter. Confirm Before Exiting Replicator: Check whether or not Replicator should prompt you for confirmation before exiting the program. OS/2 Verify Delay: Enter the number of seconds that Replicator should pause (only under OS/2) after a disk has been created (using Make Disk) before it should begin the verify process. This delay is needed due to the way OS/2 handles floppy drives. If you experience time-out errors during the verify process, add or increase the delay time. The default delay time is 10 seconds. Ok: When Ok is selected, Replicator saves the options on this screen to the file REPWIN.INI. Cancel: Selecting Cancel leaves all options on this screen in the state they were set to when this screen was initially displayed. Network Options Description: The options on this screen determine the default behavior network behavior of Replicator on your computer system. Optimization: This option is used to specify whether Replicator should optimize database management for Data Integrity or Speed. If Optimize For Data Integrity is chosen, access to certain routines may be impacted by a reduction in speed. If Optimize For Speed is chosen, Replicator will attempt to optimize access to routines without a reduction in speed. When Optimize For Data Integrity is turned on, Replicator will write portions of the database to be modified to the dialog (.DIA) file before any changes are made. Then, in the event that an error occurs, the database can be restored to its known state prior to the operation. If the computer system crashes before an operation is complete, Replicator automatically repairs the database by using the information in the dialog file the next time the database is opened. Based on our internal testing, Optimize For Speed is MUCH faster. If you decide to use Optimize For Speed, however, we recommend that you maintain a regular backup. If you are more concerned about data integrity, even to the point of sacrificing some performance, select Optimize For Data Integrity. Network Type: Even if you don't use a network, you may need to change the default Network Type from None to the MS-Net Compatible option. Make sure to read the following section! None: When "None" is selected as the network type, file sharing and record locking routines are not used. Do NOT run Replicator in a multiuser setting with the network type set to "None". If you do, the data and index files are likely to become corrupt if two or more nodes try to access the program! Novell: If you are running on a Novell NetWare 2.x, 3.x, or 4.x network, be sure to set the network type setting to "Novell Network". MS-Net: The "MS-Net Compatible" setting should be used for the following networks and environments: LANtastic, LAN Manager, IBM PC-LAN, Personal NetWare, NetWare Lite, DESQview, and Windows. When using this option, you must load SHARE.EXE. (When running under Windows, either SHARE must be loaded prior to running Windows, or the VSHARE driver must be loaded in Windows.) Fast Search: When the Fast Search option is enabled, the speed for the search option is increased substantially. To do this, Replicator places a "Read Lock" on the entire database to prevent other users from writing to it. This can produce search speeds up to 3 times as fast as when Fast Search is disabled. However, if Fast Search is enabled, other users CANNOT make changes to the database when another user is performing this type of search. Network supervisors should consider this situation carefully before enabling the Fast Search option. Browser Refresh Delay: This number specifies the number of seconds that Replicator will use as an update interval when displaying the browser screen. If this value is set to 5, Replicator will update the browser screen every 5 seconds with any changes that have made from other workstations working on the same database file. Ok: When Ok is selected, Replicator saves the options on this screen to the file REPWIN.INI. Cancel: Selecting Cancel leaves all options on this screen in the state they were set to when this screen was initially displayed. Register Replicator Description: Once you register Replicator and pay the requested fee to STSI for registering, you will receive a registration name and number. Enter your name and number in the fields shown on this screen, and Replicator will be registered to you. You will no longer see "nag screens" or "reminders" pressuring you to register. The 10-record database limit will also be removed. If your name and number are entered accurately, Replicator will display a thank-you message. Otherwise, Replicator will warn you that the registration number you entered was not valid. Registration Name: The Registration Name field allows users to enter their personal name or the name of their company or organization. Registration Number: The Registration Number field allows users to enter the registration number they received from STSI upon registering Replicator. For information on how to register, please see the "Registration" section near the top of this documentation file. Network Users: This field contains the numbers of network users for Replicator. To receive a registration number that provides support for network users, see the file REGISTER.DOC. If you are registering a single-user version of Replicator, enter 0 in this field. Ok: Selecting Ok instructs Replicator to save this configuration information to the file REPWIN.INI. Cancel: Selecting Cancel instructs Replicator to ignore any changes that have been made to the previous settings, and return to the main screen. Virus Scanner Scan Disks Before Creating Image (Default) Check whether or not Replicator should scan the disk for viruses before creating an image from disk. Note: This is only a default setting, and can be overridden when creating each individual disk image. This option is OFF by default. Enable Virus Scanner #1 / #2 This switch determines whether or not the corresponding virus scanner (#1 or #2) should be used when scanning disks for viruses. Users can run virus scanner #1, virus scanner #2, or both virus scanners when scanning a diskette. Virus Scanner #1 / #2 Path/Filename This field should contain the full path and filename of the virus scanner to be executed. Examples are: C:\SCAN\SCAN.EXE C:\F-PROT\F-PROT.EXE C:\CPAV\CPAV.EXE C:\DOS\MSAV.EXE Virus Scanner #1 / #2 Parameters The Parameters field should contain any command line parameters that should be passed to the corresponding virus scanner. For example, if you are using McAfee's SCAN.EXE, you may want to specify /NOMEM to skip the memory test and /PAUSE to pause after each page. See the documentation for your virus scanner to determine the command line switches you will want to use. Ok: Selecting Ok instructs Replicator to save this configuration information to the file REPWIN.INI. Cancel: Selecting Cancel instructs Replicator to ignore any changes that have been made to the previous settings, and return to the main screen. Windows 95 / Client 32 If you are using Novell's Client 32 in combination with Windows 95, and you are running Replicator from a network drive, you may be experiencing "Volume Not Locked" error messages when attempting to access your floppy drive(s). To work around this problem, Replicator needs to be executed from a local hard drive. The installation dialog box given for Windows 95 / Client 32 support copies the file REPWIN.EXE from the network to a local drive, and creates a REPC32.INI file. This INI file instructs Replicator to look at the network drive and directory to find the database and help files. This allows Windows 95 workstations on a network to continue using the database in network mode, without worrying about some of the problems introduced by Client 32. Once you perform this installation, make sure that you change the path on your Windows 95 Replicator icon to point to the new executable file on your local drive (usually c:\repwin\repwin.exe). If you have both Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 workstations on your network, the Windows 3.1 workstations should continue to execute Replicator from the network drive. Database Features Description: The database screen allows users to view and modify records of disk images that have been created with Replicator. While the filename, image path, and description fields may be modified directly, some of the other fields maintained with each record (such as the total files on the disk, bytes consumed, bytes free, volume label, and file list) may only be modified by updating the disk record as explained below. The only case where the disk size field should be modified is if the user is adding a new record manually and must change the disk size. First: Selecting the First button will cause the first record in the database to be displayed. Previous: Selecting the Previous button will cause the record previous to the current record to be displayed. Next: Selecting the Next button will cause the record subsequent to the current record to be displayed. Last: Selecting the Last button will cause the last record in the database to be displayed. Browse: When this button is pushed, Replicator displays a browsing screen that contains all of the records in the database. To scroll through the browser, use the Up Arrow, Down Arrow, PgUp, and PgDn keys, or the mouse to scroll through all of the records. Pressing a key such as "N" will move the highlight bar to the beginning of the records beginning with the letter "N". You can continue to type characters to perform an incremental search on the current sort field. Double-clicking on a record or pressing ENTER on the highlighted record will remove the browser and cause Replicator to display the selected record on the editing screen for viewing, editing, or deleting. You can use your mouse to right-click within the browser and display a popup menu. This menu allows you to change whether the database is sorted by Filename, Image Path, or Description fields 1 through 5. On the right side of the Browser window, you can select "All" to display all records in the database, "Tagged" to display only the tagged records, or "Search Results" to display only the records that were found after a Search Entire Record search was performed. Sort: Selecting Sort will allow you to choose which field (Filename, Image Path, or Description lines 1 through 5) should be used to sort the database. The default sort field is the Filename field. When the Browser is displayed, the records are sorted according to the current sort field. The First, Last, Previous, and Next buttons are also executed in relation to the current sort field, making it easy to follow records in virtually any order. Search: When Search is selected, Replicator displays a dialog box giving you the option of the type of search to perform. There are three types of searches to perform on a Replicator database. The first two types are extremely fast and efficient, while the third is much slower, although it is much more thorough. When "Search One Field Only" is selected, Replicator allows you to search for a text string in the Filename, Image Path, or Description fields 1 through 5. The search string must be located at the beginning of the field you decide to search. If Replicator cannot find a record with the specified text, it issues an error message. Otherwise it displays the browser screen containing all of the entries that matched the search criteria. Since the fields mentioned above are all indexed fields, the search can be completed very rapidly. When "Range Search" is selected, Replicator allows you to perform a search where the only records that are found must be within the a specified range of values. For example, if you wanted to locate all records whose filename was (alphabetically) between the values WIN31 and WINWG, you could enter these two values as the starting and ending search values, and select the filename field as the field to search. If no records could be found within that range, an error message would be issued. Otherwise, all records within that range would be displayed. As with the first search method, the range search allows you to find a text string at the beginning of either the Filename, Image Path, or Description fields 1 through 5. When "Search Entire Record" is selected, Replicator will search the entire database for up to 9 text strings and 3 excluded text strings. You can use the Search Entire Record dialog box to create a combination of And/Or/Not requirements. These requirements will allow you filter out which records should appear in your search results. The text strings you enter can be located at ANY location within the record. They do not have to be at the start of an indexed field. There are 4 groups of text fields, and each group contains a check box allowing you to make the search either case-sensitive or case-insensitive, with case-insensitive being the default. If Replicator locates the text anywhere within the record (including the filename, image path, description, or file list), it is included in the search results. The only exception to this rule occurs when text entered in the last group is found in the record, since these strings are excluded from the search results. When Replicator searches the database and a record is found that contains the search string, it is marked and placed in a search results group. After the search has been completed, you can browse through the search results records using the Browser window. Print: Replicator allows you to print the record that is currently being viewed on the screen, only the tagged records in the database, or all records in the database when you select the Print option. Options include printing the record(s) to a printer or a file on disk, issuing a page break (form-feed) between records, including the file list on the printout, untagging messages after printing them, and changing the font used by the printer. New: When this button is pushed, Replicator goes into "edit mode", and allows you to enter a new record. When Replicator is in edit mode, you cannot move between records, delete records, call up the browser, or search for data. Once you have finished adding the new record, click on "Save" to save it into the database, or select "Cancel" to exit from edit mode. Note: While it is possible to add new records to the database in this manner, it is recommended that you actually use the Make Image routine. When the disk image is created, a new record is created in the database with the information you enter on that screen. The main reason this option is provided is in the event that a record is deleted from the database and needs to be re-entered. If the image file already exists, there is no need to re-create it, so the record can be manually added to the database. To update the file list for the current record, select the "Update" button. Edit: When this button is pushed, Replicator goes into "edit mode", and allows you to modify the current record. When Replicator is in edit mode, you cannot move between records, delete records, call up the browser, or search for data. Once you have finished modifying the current record, click on "Save" to save the modified record into the database, or select "Cancel" to exit from edit mode. Editing an existing record is extremely handy for changing the image path of a particular file, or modifying the description associated with the record. Delete: When the Delete button is selected, Replicator issues a prompt to confirm that you want to delete the current record from the database. When you choose "Yes" at the prompt, the record is deleted, and Replicator resets the record display to the next record in the database. At this point, Replicator also prompts you whether or not you want to the delete the actual file from the hard drive, if it exists. If you answer Yes, Replicator will search for and delete the associated file. Paths: By using the Paths option, users can enter a new image path for the current record, tagged records, or all records in the database. After entering a new path and selecting Ok, Replicator asks for confirmation, and then changes the Image Path field of every record to the path you specified. Use this option when you want to move all of the image files to a common location, such as "C:\REPWIN\IMAGES\". Note: This procedure does NOT move files to a new destination on your hard drive. It simply updates the "Image Path" field in the database. If you need to move the image files, you must use a separate utility designed for this purpose. Update: The Update option allows users to update the file list and disk statistics fields of the database record by examining the contents of a disk. When the Update feature is used, Replicator updates the file list, total files, bytes consumed, bytes free, and volume label fields of the current record. This feature may be useful if Replicator could not access the original disk in order to obtain an accurate list of files on the disk. (It is also useful for users who are upgrading from Replicator For DOS, and used a version prior to version 1.20 to create image files. The file list feature was not implemented in Replicator For DOS prior to version 1.20, necessitating this Update feature.) The Update option also allows the image file to be updated. For example, if you receive a program update to a program you have previously replicated, you may want to simply overwrite the image file with the newer version. This leaves the description field intact, updates the disk statistics, and simply overwrites the old image file. Rename: The Rename option allows you to rename an existing image file. If the image file is compressed, Replicator will decompress it in order to rename the compressed RIF file. Then it will recompress it before updating the database record to reflect the new name. If the image is not comopressed, Replicator will simply rename the image file and update the database record with the new name. Test Integrity: The Test Integrity option allows you test the integrity of a compressed image file, making sure that it can be decompressed successfully. Occasionally, problems can occur on your computer hard drive, making files such as these suceptible to corruption. This feature can make sure that compressed image files do not contain any CRC errors. Delete Tagged: The Delete Tagged feature allows you remove all tagged records from the database. As with any operation that is performed on tagged records, a status screen will be displayed as Replicator performs the operation. Print Tagged: The Print Tagged option displays the same print dialog box that is available from the print menu. However, the default range is automatically set to Tagged Records instead of Current Record. For more details on this dialog, see the Print option. Tag All: The Tag All feature can be used in an attempt to tag all records in the database. However, it is important to mention that Replicator currently allows a maximum of 16,384 records to be tagged at one time. If there are more than 16,384 records in the current database, Replicator will warn you, and then attempt to tag as many as possible. Once it reaches the limit, it stops the tagging process. If you need to tag more records than this, you will have to tag the first set, perform an operation, tag the second set, perform the operation again, etc. However, this need should be extremely rare. Tag Range: The Tag Range option allows you to tag records in the database based on their filename, image path, or description. The Tag Range feature can be used to tag a range of records in the database. Records can be tagged using a starting and ending range for the filename, image path, and description fields. Replicator also allows you to specify whether or not a "Fuzzy Match" is performed. When the Fuzzy Match check box is not selected, the ending range must match the contents of the selected field exactly. If the Fuzzy Match check box is selected, the string in the ending range field can contain any string of characters, as long as the beginning of the string matches. A good application for this feature would be to tag certain records in order to print them or delete them from the database. Untag All: When the Untag All option is selected, Replicator will remove the tag mark from all tagged records in the current database. If you print the records in the database, you can optionally remove the message tag once the operation is completed. However, you can use the Untag All feature to quickly remove all tags. Reorganizing The Database The reorganize option (accessible from the Disk, Utilities sub- menu) is available in cases when a database has become corrupt. If one or more records become corrupt within the database, you will probably see "garbage" characters, or random ASCII characters filling the data fields. (Although this is rare, we did have one customer report this problem in one of our other database applications, after he ran out of hard drive space during an operation that modified the database. The customer was unable to delete the corrupt record from the database using the "Delete" option, but was able to successfully reorganize the database. The reorganization process removed the corrupt record(s), and left the rest of the (non-corrupt) records in- tact.) Before reorganizing a database, Replicator gives you the option to make a backup copy of the data (REPLICAT.DAT) and index (REPLICAT.IX) files, as a safeguard against any potential problems (such as system hangs during the reorganization, which would be fatal to the database). If you instruct it to make a backup, Replicator will create a temporary directory underneath the main program directory, and copy the database files into this directory. Once this is complete, the reorganization process will start. To reorganize the database, Replicator deletes the index (REPLICAT.IX) file, renames the data file (REPLICAT.DAT) to a save file (REPLICAT.SAV), and copies non-deleted records from the save file into a newly created data file. Once this is complete, the save file is deleted, and a new index file is generated. This process should only take a minute or two for a database that has a couple thousand records. After the process has finished successfully, Replicator will ask you whether or not you want to delete the backup copy created earlier. If you are satisfied that no errors occurred, go ahead and answer yes to delete this backup copy. Replicator For Dos / Replicator For Windows Compatibility Information For users concerned about maintaining compatibility between the DOS and Windows versions of Replicator, here is some information you will want to know: The Replicator For Windows v2.x database is directly compatible with Replicator For DOS v1.x. There were no structural changes made to the database in Replicator For Windows v2.x. However, support was added to Replicator For Windows to read, write, and store information on DMF disks. Since Replicator For DOS does not yet support these disk types, DMF disks cannot be recreated with it, and the "Disk Size" field on the Database Management screen will be blank when viewing records of DMF disks. While the databases are still compatible between the Windows and DOS versions, we reserve the right to make changes in the database structure at any time. In the future, we may see the need to change the structure of the Replicator For Windows database, in order to provide more features to our users. If we decide not to release an update to Replicator For DOS, all users will need to move to the Windows version. Sharing A Database Replicator For DOS and Replicator For Windows can easily share the same database, but in order to do so, you must install them to the same directory. If you installed Replicator For DOS to the C:\REPLICAT directory and you want Replicator For Windows to use the same database, you must specify C:\REPLICAT as the target directory when you run the Setup program for the Windows version. On the other hand, if you installed Replicator For Windows to the C:\REPWIN directory and you want Replicator For DOS to use the same database, you must specify C:\REPWIN as the target directory in the DOS install program. (The directory used depends only on which version (DOS or Windows) was installed on your computer first.) In the event that you need to move Replicator's database files from one location to another, the crucial files are: REPLICAT.DAT the database file REPLICAT.IX the index file REPLICAT.DIA the dialog file (network users only) Using UNREP.EXE The program UNREP.EXE is a small DOS command line utility designed to recreate a disk file from the command line. In order to use UNREP.EXE, you simply need a .RIF file created with Replicator and the file UNREP.EXE. Command Line Structure: UNREP FILENAME DRIVE FILENAME .RIF File To Extract DRIVE Extract File To Which Drive? Example UNREP DRIVERS.RIF A: Note: UNREP.EXE cannot be used on .ZIP files created by Replicator. The file must have a .RIF extension! (This "limitation" allows us to keep the executable file extremely small, since we do not need to include the decompression code.) UNREP will recreate the disk using the disk image file specified on the command line. License Information For UNREP.EXE Companies wishing to use Replicator to create disk image files for widespread distribution can use and distribute UNREP.EXE freely, as long as they have registered their copy of Replicator. Cautions Do not attempt to use Replicator with 2.88 Megabyte floppy diskette drives. Replicator only supports 360K, 720K, 1.2MB, and 1.44MB floppy drives. Do not attempt to use Replicator on copy-protected diskettes. Using Replicator on these type of diskettes could cause unpredictable results. Be careful when using Replicator under OS/2 v2.x. We have noted several peculiarities under OS/2 that do not exist under DOS. See the troubleshooting section for more information. Troubleshooting / Common Problems If you change your network type to "MS-Net Compatible", make sure you are loading SHARE.EXE in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Otherwise, you will probably receive the error message "Insufficient memory for page buffer..." the next time you try to execute Replicator. To solve this problem use a text editor (or the Windows Notepad) to edit your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file, and insert the line C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE (assuming your DOS directory is C:\DOS). If you accidentally change the network type to "Novell NetWare" and you are not running on a Novell NetWare network, you may experience problems the next time you attempt to execute Replicator. If this problem occurs, use the Windows Notepad to edit the file "REPWIN.INI", located in the Replicator For Windows sub- directory. Change the line that looks like this... NetworkType=NOVELL to look like this... NetworkType=NONET This should fix any problems when attempting to initialize a network on a non-network machine. One known problem when using Replicator is its operation under OS/2 v2.x. When verify is turned on, the verifying process will start out going very fast, and slow down progressively as the process continues. This is because the drive is being recalibrated after every track under OS/2. We have also noted occasional erroneous error messages, such as "Disk Bad" after formatting a diskette. We have added several features to address such problems as these. If you have questions or concerns about Replicator's operation under OS/2, please feel free to call us at one of the technical support numbers listed in this documentation file. 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Infodex is a versatile database manager used to keep track of names and addresses, equipment, computer software, books, and much more! Includes a FREE-FORM layout. Add, delete, or rearrange fields EASILY! Search for text in any field. Import and export to a delimited text file. Quickly browse through a list of records. Easy push button interface! Both protected- mode and real-mode versions are included to support various memory requirements. Registration Fee: $34.95 QwkSlave - QWK Packet Message Database! QwkSlave imports QWK mail packets, storing each message as a database record. Add, edit, delete, print, browse, sort, & search through messages. Cross referencing makes finding an original message and its response as easy as a mouse-click. Ideal as a technical support reference tool. Network support is included. Easy to use push-button interface! Registration Fee: $49.95 Replicator For DOS - The Diskette Database / Duplicator! Replicator is a disk image utility designed to create images of diskettes and catalog them in a database. Use optional compression to reduce the image size. Recreate disks as needed. Store up to 10 lines of descriptive text for each disk image in the database. Database entries can be modified at any time. Easy push button interface! (286 or higher) Registration Fee: $49.95 Replicator For Windows - The Diskette Database / Duplicator! Replicator is a disk image utility designed to create images of diskettes and catalog them in a database. Optionally compress image files and scan disks for viruses. Recreate disks as needed. Store up to 10 lines of descriptive text for each disk image in the database. Database entries can be modified at any time. Network support included. Easy to use Windows interface! Registration Fee: $49.95 ZIP'R Pro For DOS - Compression Utility For DOS! ZIP'R Pro stores programs in compressed form when they are not being used. Use ZIP'R Pro to automatically decompress a program, execute it, and recompress it again. Uses ARJ, LHA, PKZIP, or built-in compression. Integrate with a menu system, or use ZIP'R Pro's button menu. Works with networks & multitaskers. Easy to use push-button interface with mouse support! Registration Fee: $49.95 ZIP'R Pro For Windows - Compression Utility For Windows! ZIP'R Pro stores programs in compressed form when they are not being used. Use ZIP'R Pro to automatically decompress a program, execute it, and recompress it again. Uses ARJ, LHA, PKZIP, or built-in compression. Integrate with a Windows icon, or use ZIP'R Pro's desktop to launch the program of your choice. Network/Multi-user support is included. Registration Fee: $49.95 Programs Mentioned: MS-DOS is copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation. Windows is copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation. All other brand and product names are marks or registered marks of their respective companies.