1 General strings 2 Passphrase entries do not match. Please try again. 3 PGPkeys 4 PGPkeys Key Generation 5 You have selected a bad passphrase which could\ncompromise the security of your key.\n\nPassphrases should be at least 8 characters,\nand they should not contain words that are found in a dictionary of any language.\n\nDo you want to use the bad passphrase? 6 The key size must be at least 512 bits but\nno more than 4096 bits. 7 A new public/private key pair has been created.\n\nDo you want to use this key as the default\nsigning/encrypt to self key ? 8 Johnny Doe <jdoe@pgp.com> 9 Select File Containing Key 10 Export Key to File 11 Delete Confirmation 12 Are you sure you want to delete your public/private key pair :\n\n%s ? 13 Are you sure you want to delete this key :\n\n%s ? 14 Are you sure you want to delete this name :\n\n%s ? 15 Are you sure you want to delete this signature :\n\n%s ? 16 Memory allocation failure. 21 Keys 22 Validity 23 Trust 24 Creation 25 Size 27 Select Private Keyring Backup Destination 28 secring.skr 29 C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP 30 Software\PGP\PGP\PGPkeys 34 PGPkeys Error 36 Unknown 37 Invalid 38 Marginal 39 Complete 41 You are about to delete your default \nsigning/encryption key.\nAre you sure you want to do this ? 42 Generating first prime number ... 43 Generating second prime number ... 44 Exported PGP Key(s) 45 No default private key has been assigned.\n\nYou must assign a default private key\nin order to create signatures. 46 The private key used to create this signature\nis not on your keyring. 47 The selected file does not contain any valid PGP keys. 48 The clipboard does not contain any valid PGP keys. 49 Please locate your keyring file(s). 50 This user ID cannot be deleted because it is the\nonly one on the key.\n\nTo delete this user ID, you must delete the entire key. 51 Backup file could not be written.\n\nCheck file name and try again. 52 Some of the imported keys are private keys.\n\nThe trust values on these keys must be\nset manually via the Key Properties dialog. 54 Undefined 55 Unknown 56 Untrusted 57 Marginal 58 Complete 59 Ultimate 60 Passphrase of signing key : 61 Passphrase of selected key : 63 Text Files (*.txt; *.asc)@*.txt;*.asc@Keyring Files (*.pkr; *.skr; *.pgp; *.pubkr; ...)@*.pgp;*.pkr;*.skr;*.pubkr;*.prvkr;*.aexpk@All Files (*.*)@*.*@@ 64 Co&llapse All 65 E&xpand All 66 Co&llapse Selection 67 E&xpand Selection 68 PGP50.hlp 69 General 70 RSA 71 DSS/Diffie-Hellman 72 Unknown 73 Never 74 PGPkeys - Key Generation 75 PGPkeys - Key Generation Phase 2 78 The selected text does not contain any valid PGP keys. 79 Passphrase is required for Implicit Trust 80 skr 81 asc 82 PGP.com 83 http://www.pgp.com/ 84 At least one of the selected keyring files is corrupt or is not a valid keyring file. 85 Software\PGP\PGP 86 -- this recovery key is erroneous -- 87 /s 88 Each key must have a name. 89 Are you sure you want to revoke this key?\nOnce distributed, others will be unable to encrypt data to this key. 90 This is an invalid key. Setting trust on this key is not allowed\nsince trust settings on invalid keys have no effect. 91 Cannot sign\n\n%s\n\n%s 92 The name you entered is not in the standard format.\nPGP recommends that you name keys with the format\n\n Your Name <your email address>\n\nAre you sure you want to use the name as you entered it? 93 You are about to revoke your default signing/encryption key.\nYou will no longer be able to sign with this key, and once \ndistributed, others will be unable to encrypt data to this key.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this ? 94 Unavailable, %s 95 In order to take full advantage of PGP's email integration\nfeatures, each name must have an associated email address.\nAre you sure you want to proceed without entering an email address? 96 &Keyserver 97 The selected keyring cannot be used because\nit is locked by the operating system. 99 empty 1100 This version of PGP only supports key sizes between %lu and %lu bits.\n\nPlease ensure that your selection is within this range. 1101 PGP Key Generation 1102 This version of PGP only supports RSA and DSS/Diffie-Hellman key types. 1104 This version of PGP only supports key expirations between %lu and %lu days.\n\nPlease ensure that your selection is within this range. 1106 The passphrases you entered do not match. Please try again. 1109 In order to take advantage of PGP's email integration features (and so others can\nfind your key), it is strongly advised that you enter an email address.\n\nContinue without entering an email address? 1110 So that others can find your key, it is strongly recommended that you enter your full name.\n\nContinue without entering your full name? 1111 You must complete entering random data before continuing! 1113 Cancel key generation? 1114 Complete 1115 Set &As Default Key 1116 Set &As Primary User ID 1117 Text File (*.*)@*.*@@ 1146 The passphrase you entered does not match the passphrase of the key. 1149 Canceling... 1150 &Custom (512 - 4096 bits) 1151 1536 bits (1024 DSS/1536 Diffie-Hellman) 1152 2048 bits (1024 DSS/2048 Diffie-Hellman) 1153 3072 bits (1024 DSS/3072 Diffie-Hellman) 1154 &Custom (512 - 2048 bits) 1155 1536 bits 1156 2048 bits 1157 KeyGen.avi 1158 Canceled 1159 If you wish to send your key to the server at a later date, simply right click on it in PGPkeys, and select "Keyserver/Send Selected Keys." 1160 pubring.pkr 1161 pkr 1162 Select Public Keyring Backup Destination 1163 Public keyring file (*.pkr)@*.pkr@PGP file (*.pgp)@*.pgp@@ 1164 Secret keyring file (*.skr)@*.skr@PGP file (*.pgp)@*.pgp@@ 1165 Unknown