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X x n Z 5L g< 4 % --5B(  UUUU--8@6 k3/<SZxl~e[PQTTgi-/K^RiY !m~iXK@%-R%c|xZvTo<52 % 4]&9 <PVZjix|n(%#-o1G9<9\1-$Ql[LFBJOxfnrZT<<(`f--5B(  UUUU--28o'<ZgZXE=<l. -M^x{qiKn7a-S-L:xxk"f?kUxy9*aS-04&Kil<Jj #<BXZfcjdjZ<iK-+g-X-1'KJPQiarfaZU$xxz|-~Ki _T:8m/i1M;K=0Z-b)xx--5B(  UUUU--$@T TiHX %<Z[y)D Ne'[y;k#ZG<* /@bu#xW(2,iT --ࡱ> CompObj fObjInfoContents cInternal BogleWord Development@yGi@|[ū@H6ºp@.Microsoft Word 6.0214ࡱ> WordArt WideOpenArial  2xDࡱ>ࡱ> _Oh+'0$ H l   D hetryTimeout 'PRINTER_IN#D:\WINNT35\Desktop\Widen\widen.dot wideopenPhillip ܥe= e!c>_*h*h2 2 ^2^2^242*444 554q=C5.5555555j8l8l8l88^92:=T>[P:!^255555P:5^2^25(55555^25^25j8r22@222,^2^25j855  EMBED MSWordArt.2 \s  Version 16 Introduction WideOpen for Word 6 allows you to take advantage of many of the new features of Windows 95 without having to buy an expensive upgrade. In addition to long file names, you also get shortcuts, quick view, document icons, and many other features of Windows 95. Unlike competing commerical applications, WideOpen for Word requires no additional steps to use long file names, and displays the long file names not only in dialogs but also on titlebars. WideOpen offers localized support for a number of different languages; please see the Internationalizing WideOpen section for details. To learn what has changed relative to previous versions, please see the revision history at the end of this document. Version 1.6 features long names in document titlebars as well as in the open and save dialogs, listing of Word documents on the Documents menu on the start button, and better centering of the file dialog. (Note: Although the executable is called WIDEN14.EXE, this is version 1.6 of WideOpen.) For a full description of the registering WideOpen for Word and other applications, please see ORDER.DOC. Installation Double-click below to automatically install WideOpen for Word 6:  MACROBUTTON WidenInstall >>Install WideOpen<< WideOpen dialogs should now be automatically used whenever you select Open, Save, or SaveAs from the menus or toolbar. (Try it!) One caveat: WideOpen has no control over the filenames that Word displays in menus, so these continue to display the short names. You may notice that a WideOpen icon appears on the taskbar while WideOpen is active. One feature of the registered version of WideOpen is not taking up any of your valuable taskbar real estate! To uninstall WideOpen, please see the uninstall section at the end of this document. Special features for Word 6 The WideOpen dialogs are automatically used in response to both menubar and toolbar commands. In addition to long names in the open and save dialogs, WideOpen 1.6 also uses long names in the titlebars to documents. You may sometimes notice Word briefly display the short names before WideOpen has a chance to update them; this is to be expected. WideOpen has no control over the title displayed on the menus, so Word 6 will continue to use the short name. HINT: To temporarily use the normal Word 6 dialogs, hold down shift as you select the command. This is useful if you need a specific feature of the Word dialogs that is not supported by the WideOpen dialog, such as password protection. Internationalizing WideOpen All of the WideOpen macros (WidenInstall, WidenUninstall, FileNew, FileOpen, FileClose, FileSaveAs, FileSave, DocClose, and WidenSaveAs) can be customized. This is particularly useful for non-English versions of Word. Thanou language of choice. Deinstallation To uninstall WideOpen for Word 7, double-click below and close this document:  MACROBUTTON WidenUninstall >>Uninstall WideOpen<< You can also uninstall WideOpen at any time by selecting Tools | Macro from the menu bar and double-clicking on WidenUninstall. As a last resort, deleting NORMAL.DOT will wipe all trace of WideOpen from your system. Getting in Touch Please send all comments and questions to pbogle@lcs.mit.edu. Manual Installation and Deinstallation If you running into any difficulties with automatic installation, it is simple to install WideOpen manually. In particular, if you are using a non-English version of Word and you have customized the file menu, you may need to do a manual install. To install WideOpen manually, just copy WIDEN14.EXE to your WINDOWS directory (or some other directory on your path) and all of the macros in WIDEN.DOT to NORMAL.DOT, translating the English names of the macros to the equivalent in the language used in your version fof Word. (For example, FileOpen would become FileApri in Italian.) Finally, in the [Microsoft Word] section of WINWORD6.INI in your Windows directory, add a line that says DDETimeOut=999. Exit and restart Word and WideOpen functionality should be fully enabled. To manually uninstall Word, either run the WidenUninstall macro or select Tools | Macro, click on each of the following macro names and click delete: FileNew, FileOpen, FileSaveAs, FileClose, DocClose, and WidenSaveAs. Revision History 1.65Added automatic closing of WideOpen upon Word shutdown. Added support for Dutch. Fixed erroneous display of document names including a single quote.1.6Changed document windows titles to reflect the true long name of a document. Improved dialog centering. Add word documents to the Documents menu on the start button. 1.57Added support for Swedish; added more file formats for the SaveAs dialog for unknown languages; added support for the full set of file types for French.1.56Fixed bug that prevented automatic install from working in non-English versions of Word. Improved instructions on manual installation. Fixed a bug that occurred if a section of text in a non-English version of Word was formatted as English. Fixed clearing of document dirty flag if Save operations is canceled during a document close.1.5Fixed menu-flashing bug that occurred when the user took longer than 60 seconds to select a file. Added support for French and Italian. Added DocClose and FileClose macros to use WideOpen dialogs when closing a document using the close button on the title bar. Fixed a bug that closed a document without saving it if the user select close and save changes and then cancel. 1.4Made the default SaveAs filename identical to the actual long name of the document file. Made the default SaveAs format identical to the actual format. Made FileClose use FileSave instead of FileSaveAs. Made overwriting of already existing files using behavior correctly. Fixed a bug that prevented SaveAs from working in many cases. Gave the Widen executable a distinct name and DDE topic to prevent confusion with earlier versions.1.3Fixed the alignment of the WideOpen window with the application window. Prevented WideOpen from always returning to the default document directory after every file operation. Added default file-name in SaveAs dialog. Set document title property to be the long filename. Added shift-key disabling of WideOpen dialogs. Fixed a bug that prevented WideOpen from working with non-English versions of Word. 1.2Increased performance on underpowered machines by making WideOpen a DDE server. (There will be a slight delay the first time the program is used; after that dialogs should pop up very quickly.) Modified the install program to work with international versions of Word. Fixed a bug that prevented saving a file under a different format than the one it was opened in. Added additional save and open formats. Fixed a bug which made the Open and Save dialogs always on top of ks to the users of WideOpen in a number of countries, WideOpen now directly supports the French, Italian, German, and Swedish versions of Word in addition to English. (I have not, however, been able to test this support, so please let me know if you have any problems.) For languages other than the ones listed above, some file formats may be missing from FileSaveAs because I dont know the foreign translations of the format names. Please browse the WideOpen macros for instructions on what to customize for yother windows.1.1:Added informative dialog boxes if WIDEN14.EXE is not found where it should have been installed. Fixed a synchronization bug that occasionally caused FileOpen to do nothing. Made the installation and deinstallation macros more robust. Renamed to WideOpen from Widen. Fixed a few typos.1.0:Initial version of WideOpen  If for some reason you want to install WideOpen on Word 7, please run the macro WidenInstall32 rather than clicking on the button. ࡱ'(Oj       5>]`tvwxy~W!X!!!!!!!h,,,,,,+-,-?-@-_----.V.ػŻu uDU^cUVuD uDPUUc,VUc&uD3`<c.KuD3acvK`<c.uD`<c.`<cI(5;   + G    (wx12! !!8!K!!!!K!!h!!!!!!K!!!K!!!K!!!h!!!!K @ @ &)')()))/& ' ( ) @ @ &)')()))/ppx&)')()))/ pp&)')()))/pp&)')()))/LMNSDEI~!   3!4!9!U!V!W!!!!!!!K!!!!!Kffffffffff!!! l,"*!!!,,-@---W.X...////////2!K"`"Normalxa c.`. Heading 1 < U]ck,@, Heading 2 < UV]c"A`"Default Paragraph Font"`" Footnote Textc &` Footnote ReferencehoMathVo! Typewriter]o2Verbatim]c(oQB(Code @   ]acB`R Body Text"`CaptionxUZ0`rZ List Bullet@ h 4h @ Header ! @ Footer !her features of Windows 95. idialogs but also on titlebars. a English, French, German, Italian, Swedish, and Dutch section for details and information on customizing WideOpen for your language. support for Dutch, of Word in addition to English. It should also work with other languages, but all of the text will be in English. If you would like to customize WideOpen for your language, you can do so by editing the macros ; comments will indicate where to add support for your language. I am happy to offer free registration of the Word and Excel versions of WideOpen for the first user who e-mails a translation for a new language. updates forcing you adds If things dont seem to be working correctly, your customized Word configuration may have fooled the install program. Please see the Manual Installation section in that case. Tinvisible and will not take up displays long file names . of document V.W.X.Y....../////////////////0222uV !!!!!T;<(5BZgZ ; J ;  V[MQ%)<A^! !!8!K!!!K!!h!!!!!!!K!!!K!!!!K!!!h!!K!!K!!!KffffffffffV.2!2Unknown Naveen Garg Ellen Holley Carl StorkTRIOTRIO Carl StorkeA Valued Microsoft Customer Phillip Bogle :33 Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\DesktopRoot Entryr F^ꝺ&e,ú@.CompObjFl HEn0WordDocument B>dObjectPoolEE 2(ú 2(úA >)*+,-./J`@CDEFGHI(KLMNOPQRSTWYZ[^SummaryInformation( `FHFOleԉ Olebb$e2p 'uO BogleWord Development@yGi@|[ū@ Zºp@.Microsoft Word 6.0215ࡱ> WordArt WideOpenArial  2xDࡱ>ࡱ> _Oh+'0$ H l   D hhallZ+#D:\WINNT35\Desktop\Widen\widen.dot wideopenPhillip ܥe= e!>*h*h'2 12 22252*555 '5755=C5.5666666888889W:=TQ>[u:E266666u:6226M566662626822@=2W2,226866  EMBED MSWordArt.2 \s  Version 16 Introduction WideOpen for Word 6 allows you to take advantage of many of the new features of Windows 95 without having to buy an expensive upgrade. In addition to long file names, you also get shortcuts, quick view, document icons, and many other features of Windows 95. Unlike competing commerical applications, WideOpen for Word requires no additional steps to use long file names, and displays the long file names not only in dialogs but also on titlebars. WideOpen offers localized support for a number of different languages; please see the Internationalizing WideOpen section for details. To learn what has changed relative to previous versions, please see the revision history at the end of this document. Version 1.6 features long names in document titlebars as well as in the open and save dialogs, listing of Word documents on the Documents menu on the start button, and better centering of the file dialog. (Note: Although the executable is called WIDEN14.EXE, this is version 1.6 of WideOpen.) For a full description of the registering WideOpen for Word and other applications, please see ORDER.DOC. Installation Double-click below to automatically install WideOpen for Word 6:  MACROBUTTON WidenInstall >>Install WideOpen<< WideOpen dialogs should now be automatically used whenever you select Open, Save, or SaveAs from the menus or toolbar. (Try it!) One caveat: WideOpen has no control over the filenames that Word displays in menus, so these continue to display the short names. You may notice that a WideOpen icon appears on the taskbar while WideOpen is active. One feature of the registered version of WideOpen is not taking up any of your valuable taskbar real estate! To uninstall WideOpen, please see the uninstall section at the end of this document. Special features for Word 6 The WideOpen dialogs are automatically used in response to both menubar and toolbar commands. In addition to long names in the open and save dialogs, WideOpen 1.6 also uses long names in the titlebars to documents. You may sometimes notice Word briefly display the short names before WideOpen has a chance to update them; this is to be expected. WideOpen has no control over the title displayed on the menus, so Word 6 will continue to use the short name. HINT: To temporarily use the normal Word 6 dialogs, hold down shift as you select the command. This is useful if you need a specific feature of the Word dialogs that is not supported by the WideOpen dialog, such as password protection. Internationalizing WideOpen All of the WideOpen macros (WidenInstall, WidenUninstall, FileNew, FileOpen, FileClose, FileSaveAs, FileSave, DocClose, and WidenSaveAs) can be customized. This is particularly useful for non-English versions of Word. Thanks to the users of WideOpen in a number of countries, WideOpen now directly supports the French, Italian, German, and Swedish versions of Word in addition to English. (I have not, however, been able to test this support, so please let me know if you have any problems.) For languages other than the ones listed above, some file formats may be missing from FileSaveAs because I dont know the foreign translations of the format names. Please browse the WideOpen macros for instructions on what to customize for yother windows.1.1:Added informative dialog boxes if WIDEN14.EXE is not found where it should have been installed. Fixed a synchronization bug that occasionally caused FileOpen to do nothing. Made the installation and deinstallation macros more robust. Renamed to WideOpen from Widen. Fixed a few typos.1.0:Initial version of WideOpen  If for some reason you want to install WideOpen on Word 7, please run the macro WidenInstall32 rather than clicking on the button. ࡱ'(Oj       5>]`tvwxy~W!X!!!!!!!h,,,,,,+-,-?-@-_----.V.ػŻu uDU^cUVuD uDPUUc,VUc&uD3`<c.KuD3acvK`<c.uD`<c.`<cI(5;   + G    (wx12! !!8!K!!!!K!!h!!!!!!K!!!K!!!K!!!h!!!!K @ @ &)')()))/& ' ( ) @ @ &)')()))/ppx&)')()))/ pp&)')()))/pp&)')()))/LMNSDEI~!   3!4!9!U!V!W!!!!!!!K!!!!!Kffffffffff!!! l,"*!!!,,-@---W.X...////////2'2!K"`"Normalxa c.`. Heading 1 < U]ck,@, Heading 2 < UV]c"A`"Default Paragraph Font"`" Footnote Textc &` Footnote ReferencehoMathVo! Typewriter]o2Verbatim]c(oQB(Code @   ]acB`R Body Text"`CaptionxUZ0`rZ List Bullet@ h 4h @ Header ! @ Footer !her features of Windows 95. idialogs but also on titlebars. a English, French, German, Italian, Swedish, and Dutch section for details and information on customizing WideOpen for your language. support for Dutch, of Word in addition to English. It should also work with other languages, but all of the text will be in English. If you would like to customize WideOpen for your language, you can do so by editing the macros ; comments will indicate where to add support for your language. I am happy to offer free registration of the Word and Excel versions of WideOpen for the first user who e-mails a translation for a new language. updates forcing you adds If things dont seem to be working correctly, your customized Word configuration may have fooled the install program. Please see the Manual Installation section in that case. Tinvisible and will not take up displays long file names . of document V.W.X.Y....../////////////////02222&2'2uV 5automatic termination of WideOpen,   !!!!!x7_` (5B~~ _ n _-@-2zquIM<A`e ! !!8!K!!!K!!h!!!!!!!K!!!K!!!!K!!!h!!K!!K!!!KffffffffffV.'2!'2Unknown Naveen Garg Ellen Holley Carl StorkTRIOTRIO Carl StorkeA Valued Microsoft Customer Phillip Bogle :33\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip BogleEC:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\WideOpen Biz\Widen Shareware\wideopen.doc Phillip BogleEC:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\WideOpen Biz\Widen Shareware\wideopen.docWord Development-C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\WIDEOPEN\WORD\WIDEOPEN.DOC@HP DeskJet 500LPT1:HPDSKJETHP DeskJet 500@f,,@MSUDHP DeskJet 500dHP DeskJet 500@f,,@MSUDHP D Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip Bogle-C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\Word\wideopen.doc Phillip BogleEC:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\WideOpen Biz\Widen Shareware\wideopen.doc PhieskJet 500d>FM_bm}CW`eflA\o/s{ 1 P  " f : ; ~  u^_.BT//.;S,Tv,/,2,llip BogleEC:\WINDOWS\Desktop\WideOpen\WideOpen Biz\Widen Shareware\wideopen.docWord Development-C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\WIDEOPEN\WORD\WIDEOPEN.DOC@HP DeskJet 500LPT1:HPDSKJETHP DeskJet 500@f,,@MSUDHP DeskJet 500dHP DeskJet 500@f,,@MSUDHP DeskJet 500d99 9@>FM_bm}CW`eflA94S U t ( F ^ _     .BT//.;S,Tv,/,2,,,>,2. 2W,-// /x / /  F  @-_---; b .W.X.Y./vm&2W!!!!!CTimes New Roman Symbol &Arial5Courier New",,>,. W,-// /x / /  F  @-_---; b .W.X.Y./vm2W!!!!!CTimes New Roman Symbol &Arial5Courier New"1Hhi *E^-Op + $["D:\WINNT35\Desktop\Widen\widen.dotwideopen Phillip BogleWord Development-; b .W.X.Y.m/W!!!!!CTimes New Roman Symbol &Arial5Courier New"1Hhi)E^-Kp + $["D:\WINNT35\Desktop\Widen\widen.dotwideopen Phillip BogleWord Development{{{{{{{{{1Hhi *E^-Op + $["D:\WINNT35\Desktop\Widen\widen.dotwideopen Phillip BogleWord Development.W.X.Y./vm/W!!!!!CTimes New Roman Symbol &Arial5Courier New"1Hhi*E^-Np + $["D:\WINNT35\Desktop\Widen\widen.dotwideopen Phi_870646241F 2(úC(úOle PIC LMETA  1_870646241F 2(úC(úOle PIC LMETA  1