2001 Add/Remove Programs 2002 Sets up programs and creates shortcuts. 2003 The file %1 cannot be found. 2004 Install@Setup@*Instal*@*Setup*@Felrak@Imposta@KUR@Yükle*@Ayarla 2005 If this is the correct installation program, click Finish. To start the automatic search again, click Back. To manually search for the installation program, click Browse. 2006 Windows was unable to locate the installation program. Click Back to start the automatic search again or click Browse to manually search for the installation program. 2008 Insert the product's first installation floppy disk or CD-ROM, and then click Next. 2009 Please wait while Windows looks for the installation program. 2010 Bat@Com@Exe@Cmd 2011 Windows could not run the installation program. You may be out of memory. Close some files or programs, and then try again. 2012 A shortcut named %1 already exists in this folder. Do you want to replace it? 2014 exe 2015 Programs@*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd@All Files@*.* 2016 Browse 2017 COMSPEC@CMDLINE@LONGCMD@WINDIR 2018 SET 2019 PTLOAD.EXE@WC3.EXE@INSTCD.EXE 2021 C: 2022 %1 must be run in MS-DOS mode, so it has been terminated. Would you like to create a shortcut to this program that will run it in MS-DOS mode? 2023 %1 may not run well unless it is run in MS-DOS mode. Would you like to create a shortcut to this program that will run it in MS-DOS mode? 2024 The MS-DOS-based program you are running 2025 %1 must be run in MS-DOS mode. Do you want to change its shortcut properties to make it always run in MS-DOS mode? 2026 %1 may not run well unless it is run in MS-DOS mode. Do you want to change its shortcut properties to make it always run in MS-DOS mode? 2027 Unable to create shortcut. 2028 Confirm File Deletion 2029 Are you sure you want to completely remove %1 and all of its components? 2030 Uninstaller Error 2031 An error occurred while trying to remove %1.\n\nUninstallation has been canceled. 2032 OK 2033 Program Requires MS-DOS Mode 2035 The system folder %1 can not be deleted. 2036 NEWGRP 2037 Program Group 2038 No folder selected. 2040 This program requires MS-DOS mode support for %1. \nOn the File menu, click Properties. On the Program Tab, click Advanced. Click Advanced MS-DOS Mode. 2041 Add the appropriate line(s) to the CONFIG.SYS and or AUTOEXEC.BAT boxes. For information on what to add, see your documentation for this program. 2050 DEVICEHIGH 2051 Device 2052 LH@LOADHIGH 2053 %MOUSE% 2054 Mouse.Exe@Mouse.Com@LMouse.Exe@LMouse.Com 2055 Mouse.Sys@LMouse.Sys 2056 LoadHigh 2057 DeviceHigh= 2060 The shortcut name you entered either contained characters that are invalid for file names or was too long.