Exchange Server Scripting Agent Sample Script Auto-Accept (AUTOACCEPT.TXT) This sample script gets installed in the Inbox Folder of a Conference Room Mailbox or other Resource account. When a meeting request is received, the script will look up the room's (mailbox) free/busy time to see if it is available at the requested time. If free, it will automatically book the meeting and send a meeting accepted response. If busy, it will send a meeting declined response. To Install this Sample: 1. Create a mailbox for a conference room or other resource you wish to use. 2. IMPORTANT. Create a profile for the conference room mailbox and log into Outlook as the conference room mailbox. You must log in “as” the conference room account, because the script’s CDO session identity will be based on whoever saved the script last. If you are logged in as yourself – then the script will perform a free-busy lookup on YOUR schedule, instead of the conference room’s schedule. 3. Make sure that Event Service is installed and running on your Exchange Server. 4. Ensure that you have (at least temporarily) given the conference room mailbox permission to install scripts on this server. See the "Microsoft Exchange Server Getting Started Guide" for further information. 5. Open the "AUTOACCEPT.TXT" file using Notepad. Select all of the text, and copy it to the clipboard. 6. From Microsoft Outlook 8.03, select the Inbox folder of the conference room’s mailbox. Right-click on the folder, and choose Properties. Click the Agents tab. 7. Create a new agent. Click the Edit button to edit its properties. 8. Enable the checkboxes for the following events: [x] A new item is posted in this folder 9. Click Edit Script. A blank script skeleton is shown. 10. Select all of the text in the script. Paste the contents of the clipboard (AUTOACCEPT.TXT), replacing the previous script contents. Click OK and save the agent. To Test this Sample: Log in to Outlook as a regular user. Create a meeting or appointment item on your calendar. Invite the conference room to the meeting. When you click Send, the conference room’s Inbox will receive the meeting request, fire the script, and either accept or decline the meeting based on the room’s free/busy times. Isssues: If you leave an Outlook client logged into the conference room’s mailbox, it may also be configured to automatically process meeting requests. The Outlook client and the server script could “compete” with each other and your requests may be unexpectedly declined. Other ideas: You can customize the text that the conference room will send out in its responses, by modifying the lines of code that set the value for "oMtgResp.Text". To extend this script, consider adding support for processing Meeting Cancelled Requests (CDOMeetingCancelled), to automatically remove a cancelled meeting from the schedule.