Installing the Certificate Server Web Client

Typically, KM server and Certificate Server are installed on different computers, although they can be installed on the same computer. If KM server is installed on a computer that does not have Certificate Server installed, you must install the Certificate Server Web client so KM server can communicate with a CA installed on a different computer. This communication between the certification client and CA is called a chain of trust.

On the computer where the Certificate Server Web client will be installed, before installing the Certificate Server Web client, you must:

Important  The drive you map to the shared certificate directory on the CA computer can never be changed. If the drive is mapped to a particular drive letter, that drive letter must never change. This is called a persistent mapping. You can use the following Windows NT command to create a persistent mapping, where Certs is the name of the directory where the certificates are contained:

net use z: \\<servername>\<Certs> /persistent:yes

To install the Certificate Server Web client
  1. Run the Windows NT Option Pack 4 Setup program and choose Custom.
  2. On the Components page, select Certificate Server, and then choose Show Subcomponents.
  3. Select Certificate Server Web Client, and then choose Next.
  4. On the Microsoft Certificate Server page, in the Shared Folder box, enter the drive letter you mapped to the shared certificate directory on the CA computer, and then choose Next.

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