Getting More Information
For specific information on how to configure your chat server from the Chat Service Manager utility, see the "How To" section in in the Chat Service Manager Help system. This section outlines the essential tasks for creating and managing channels, classes, portals, and users on a chat server. In addition, the context-sensitive Help available with each property sheet explains the purpose of each Chat Service configuration parameter.

For a general explanation of how Chat Service works, including a guide to operations, maintenance, and troubleshooting, see your Chat Service online documentation. Also see the online documentation for scenario-based examples, a comprehensive description of chatcmd options, and a partial list of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and Extended IRC (IRCX) commands.

For a complete list of IRC commands and an explanation of how the IRC protocol works, see Request for Comments (RFC) 1459, "Internet Relay Chat Protocol."

For a complete list of IRCX commands, see the Internet draft "Extensions to the Internet Relay Chat Protocol (IRCX)."