Product Highlights
Chat Service offers many features that simplify the administration and management of chat servers and improve the security and reliability of chats across public and private networks. Some of these features include:
  • Superior scalability
    Supports up to 10,000 anonymous and authenticated users per server, and 48,000 users per chat network.
  • Chat Server Extensibility Model
    Provides the following server extensions:
    • Channel Transcription
      Allows you to transcribe conversations in persistent or dynamic channels on a chat server.

      Profanity Filter
      Detects and eliminates inappropriate language in persistent or dynamic channels. You can filter words conveyed through private messages, whispers, invitations, and changes to nicknames, channel names, and topics.

      A Windows NT administrator or chat sysop manager can manage these extensions from the Chat Service Manager utility. Additionally, a sysop manager can manage server extensions from a chat client using a set of in-band commands. For information on how to use these commands, see your Microsoft Exchange Chat Service online documentation.

      These extensions were developed using the Chat Service Extensibility model, which includes a chat server object model and an event notification mechanism.

      To develop custom server extensions according to this model, you or members of your development staff can use the Extensibility software development kit (SDK) provided with Chat Service. For example, you can write an extension that monitors logons and nickname changes, or logs specific events in a channel.

  • Client support
    Supports several chat clients, including Microsoft Chat version 2.0 and Microsoft Chat version 2.1; and various shareware clients, such as mIRC and PIRCH.
  • Attack protection
    Regulates the flow of messages on a chat network and reduces the likelihood of attacks that adversely affect chat servers and users.