Microsoft Chat Server Development Guide


' It is always good VB coding to explicitly check your variable declarations
Option Explicit

' #if control over whether to support a property page

' This extension implements these two extensibility interfaces
Implements CHATSVCLib.IChatExtensionCallBack
Implements CHATSVCLib.IChatServerCallBack

' Name of the chat audit log file, This extension will write an entry to this
' file whenever a user logs out from the chat server

' Keep a reference to the registrar component to allow ad-hoc binding for events
Dim gRegistrar As CHATSVCLib.IChatRegistrar

' Remember a user's login time
Dim gLoginTimes As Collection

' Declare a object class public property (set by a property page)
' to enable/disable logging
Public EnableLogging As Boolean
#End If

' Define a short friendly name for this extension
Private Property Get IChatExtensionCallBack_Name() As String
    IChatExtensionCallBack_Name = "LogMonitor"
End Property

' The Init method is called by the server to allow the extension to initialize
Private Function IChatExtensionCallBack_Init(ByVal Server As CHATSVCLib.IChatServer, ByVal Registrar As CHATSVCLib.IChatRegistrar) As Long
    Set gLoginTimes = New Collection    ' Hold a collection of times users logged in
    Set gRegistrar = Registrar          ' Keep a copy of the interface to the registrar object
    ' Bind to the New and Close user notifications
    If Not gRegistrar Is Nothing Then
        gRegistrar.AddServerEvent ("OnNewUser")
        gRegistrar.AddServerEvent ("OnCloseUser")
    End If
    EnableLogging = True        ' Enable logging by default
#End If

    ' An extension must return zero to indicate it initialize correctly
    IChatExtensionCallBack_Init = 0
End Function

' Confirm it is the PostUpdate (confirmation call) for a new user
' and take a note of what time this user logs in
Private Function IChatServerCallBack_OnNewUser(ByVal User As CHATSVCLib.IChatUser, ByVal PostUpdate As Boolean) As Long
    If PostUpdate Then
        gLoginTimes.Add Time, User.Nick
    End If
End Function

' When the user logs out, write the logout entry
Private Sub IChatServerCallBack_OnCloseUser(ByVal User As CHATSVCLib.IChatUser)
    Dim fNum As Integer
    Dim loggedIn As Variant

    ' look up when this user logged in
    loggedIn = gLoginTimes(User.Nick)
    ' only log if the property page has not disabled logging
    If EnableLogging Then
#End If
        ' Write an entry to the logfile:  <User's Nick> <Logged In> < Logged Out>
        fNum = FreeFile
        Open LOGFILE For Append As #fNum
        Print #fNum, User.Nick, loggedIn, Time
        Close #fNum
    End If
#End If
    ' and remove this users start time from the collection
    gLoginTimes.Remove User.Nick
End Sub

' This callback method is called by the Chat snap-in MMC administration pages
' to facilitate an extension's property pages
Private Function IChatExtensionCallBack_OnGetPropertyPageClass(ByVal Class As CHATSVCLib.PROPERTY_PAGE) As String
    If Class = PPAGE_SERVER Then    ' We only have a global (server) property page
        ' return the ProgID for an ActiveX Control that has our property pages attached
        IChatExtensionCallBack_OnGetPropertyPageClass = "LogMonitorPP.DummyCtrl"
    End If
#End If
End Function

' The following methods contain no implementation, and are required solely
' for VB to correctly implement the extensibility interfaces

Private Sub IChatExtensionCallBack_OnConfigureExtension(ByVal User As CHATSVCLib.IChatUser, ByVal Command As String)
End Sub

Private Function IChatExtensionCallBack_Term() As Long
End Function

Private Sub IChatExtensionCallBack_OnInstall()
End Sub

Private Sub IChatExtensionCallBack_OnUninstall()
End Sub

Private Sub IChatServerCallBack_OnCloseChannel(ByVal Channel As CHATSVCLib.IChatChannel)
End Sub

Private Function IChatServerCallBack_OnNewChannel(ByVal Channel As CHATSVCLib.IChatChannel, ByVal PostUpdate As Boolean) As Long
End Function

Private Sub IChatServerCallBack_OnRemoveAccess(ByVal Server As CHATSVCLib.IChatServer, ByVal AccessEntry As CHATSVCLib.IChatAccessEntry)
End Sub

Private Function IChatServerCallBack_OnAddAccess(ByVal Server As CHATSVCLib.IChatServer, ByVal AccessEntry As CHATSVCLib.IChatAccessEntry, ByVal PostUpdate As Boolean) As Long
End Function

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