Microsoft Chat Server SDK Reference

PICSRating Property

This property contains the Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) rating for the channel.


PICS = ChatPersistentChannel.PICSRating
ChatPersistentChannel.PICSRating = PICS


A string containing the PICS rating for this channel.


The PICS label is a voluntary rating system that associates labels (metadata) with Internet content. You can use a PICS rating to restrict access to any channel's content. The PICS rating string is normally generated and provided by ratings organizations such as SafeSurf or the Recreational Software Advisory Council (RSAC). Visit the Web site of one of these organizations to acquire a valid PICS label.

Any value can be used as a PICS label—no parsing is performed to validate the label. The maximum length of the string is limited to 255 characters. For more information about PICS standards and syntax, visit the World Wide Web Consortium on the Internet.

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