Microsoft Chat Server SDK Reference


This notification occurs whenever a property on a user object changes.


HRESULT OnUserPropertyChanged(
   IChatUser *User,
   USER_PROP Property,
   VARIANT *Value,
   VARIANT_BOOL PostUpdate,
   long *Cancel);
Visual Basic:
Function IChatUserCallBack_OnUserPropertyChanged( _
   ByVal User As CHATSVCLib.IChatUser, _
   ByVal Property As CHATSVCLib.USER_PROP, _
   ByRef Value As Variant, _
   ByVal PostUpdate As Boolean) As Long


Reference to ChatUser object representing the user.
A value defined by the USER_PROP enumeration, specifying which property is changing.
The value of the property.
False if this is a pre-update notification. True if the user property has been changed.
Return value. Set to non-zero during the pre-update notification to cancel the operation.


The extension can modify the contents of Value during the pre-update notification. The data type of Value should match that defined for the property. See the list of User Properties for the expected data type for each property.

This method is not called for changes in channel membership, or for changes in security access. To monitor for changes in channel membership for this user, you must bind to the OnAddChannel and OnRemoveChannel user event notifications. To monitor for changes in security access for the user, you must bind to the OnAddAccess and OnRemoveAccess user event notifications.

This method will be invoked in addition to OnAwayChanged, and OnNickChanged.

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