Microsoft Chat Server Development Guide

Implement OnGetPropertyPageClass

The IChatExtensionCallback::OnGetPropertyPageClass method allows an administration application, such as the Chat Service Manager utility, to query the extension for the class identifier of an object that supports the ISpecifyPropertyPages interface.

The following C++ example returns the Progid of the object that supports the property page control for the extension.

STDMETHODIMP CMessageFilter::OnGetPropertyPageClass(PPAGE Class, BSTR *pbstrCLSID)
    // return the PROGID for our a component (in this case the extension object)
    // that supports the ISpecifyPropertyPages that names our property pages
    if( Class == PPAGE_SERVER ) {
        *pbstrCLSID = SysAllocString(L"MessageFilter.MessageFilter.1");
    return S_OK;

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