Microsoft Chat Server SDK Reference

Channel Properties

All channel properties are represented by properties of the ChatChannel object. The IChatChannelCallBack::OnChannelPropertyChanged notification uses the CHAN_PROP enumeration to indicate which property is changing.

The following table describes the channel properties.

CHAN_PROP enumeration Meaning
CPROP_ACCOUNT BSTR, "Account" string
CPROP_AUTHENTICATEDONLY BOOL, set if channel mode +a
CPROP_CANWHISPER BOOL, set if channel allows whispers
CPROP_HIDDEN BOOL, set if channel mode +h
CPROP_HOSTKEY BSTR, "HostKey" string
CPROP_INVITEONLY BOOL, set if channel mode +i
CPROP_JOINTEXT BSTR, channel "OnJoin" text
CPROP_KNOCK BOOL, set if channel mode +u
CPROP_LAG UI4, channel "Lag"
CPROP_LANGUAGE BSTR, channel "Language"
CPROP_LIMIT UI4, channel membership limit
CPROP_MEMBERKEY BSTR, channel "MemberKey"
CPROP_MODERATED BOOL, set if channel mode +m
CPROP_OWNERKEY BSTR, channel "OwnerKey"
CPROP_PARTTEXT BSTR, channel "OnPart" text
CPROP_PICS BSTR, channel "PICS" rating
CPROP_PRIVATE BOOL, set if channel mode +p
CPROP_SECRET BOOL, set if channel mode +s
CPROP_SUBJECT BSTR, channel "Subject"
CPROP_TOPIC BSTR, channel "Topic"
CPROP_TOPICOPERATORONLY BOOL, set if channel mode +t

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