Microsoft Chat Server Development Guide


' This property page is called from the ChannelBlocking extension sample.
' Using the chat object model, it retrieves a reference to the instance
' of the extension running on the machine currently being configured.
' Using the reference to the extension, it calls methods/properties
' implemented by the extension to edit the work list held by the extension

' You should always require explicitly declared variables
Option Explicit

' The listbox.itemdata holds a flag to indicate
' whether the word was added during this edit
Const NEWNAME = 0
Const OLDNAME = 1

' A collection of names to be deleted from the list when changes are applies
Dim gDeletedNames As Collection

' interface to our running extension on the chat server
Dim gBlockSvr As ChannelBlockExtension.ChannelBlocking

''  Initialize/free our global variables when the property page is initialize/terminated
Private Sub PropertyPage_Initialize()
    Set gDeletedNames = New Collection
End Sub

Private Sub PropertyPage_Terminate()
    Set gDeletedNames = Nothing
    Set gBlockSvr = Nothing
End Sub


'' Routine that fills in our list box from the names already held by the extension
Private Sub FillNameList()
    If Not gBlockSvr Is Nothing Then
        Dim s As Variant
        For Each s In gBlockSvr              ' Add name to list, set ItemData to indicate its original
            lstNames.AddItem UCase(s)
            lstNames.ItemData(lstNames.NewIndex) = OLDNAME
    End If
End Sub


' This property page method is called when either Apply or OK is pressed
' It then modifies the list held by the server, with the data held here
Private Sub PropertyPage_ApplyChanges()
    ' Add names from the listbox whose itemdata are marked as NEWNAME
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To lstNames.ListCount - 1
        If lstNames.ItemData(i) = NEWNAME Then
            gBlockSvr.Add (lstNames.List(i))
        End If

    ' Remove names from the extensions list that were deleted
    ' and remove them from our collection
    With gDeletedNames
        While .Count > 0
            gBlockSvr.Remove CStr(.Item(1))    ' Remove the word from the extensions
            .Remove (1)                 ' and remove it from our copy
    End With
    ' Refresh our listbox with the names stored by the server
    Call FillNameList
    Changed = False
End Sub

' This PropertyPage method is called when you need to fill in the properties
Private Sub PropertyPage_SelectionChanged()
    Dim CServer As CHATSVCLib.ChatServer
    ' Set the commands enables
    cmdAdd.Enabled = False
    cmdDelete.Enabled = False
    If SelectedControls.Count > 0 Then
        ' We are passed a reference to the ChatServer object by SelectedControls(0)
        Set CServer = SelectedControls(0)
        If Not CServer Is Nothing Then
            Set gBlockSvr = CServer.Configuration.ChatExtensions("ChannelBlocking").Instance
            If Not gBlockSvr Is Nothing Then
                Call FillNameList
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

' The user has clicked on a names in the listbox
Private Sub lstNames_Click()
    txtName = lstNames.List(lstNames.ListIndex)
End Sub

' Whenever the Name text field changes, set the Add/Delete buttons
' to a valid setting on whether the name already exists or not
Private Sub txtName_Change()
    ' Assume this is a new entry
    cmdAdd.Enabled = True
    cmdDelete.Enabled = False
    ' then search what names we have already
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To lstNames.ListCount - 1
        If lstNames.List(i) = txtName Then   ' we already have this name
            ' so set controls to allow us to delete it
            cmdAdd.Enabled = False
            cmdDelete.Enabled = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
End Sub

' User has clicked on the Add Name button
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    ' Add name to listbox, and mark as a NEWNAME
    lstNames.AddItem UCase(txtName)
    lstNames.ItemData(lstNames.NewIndex) = NEWNAME
    lstNames.ListIndex = lstNames.NewIndex
    cmdAdd.Enabled = False          ' Can't add it twice
    Changed = True                  ' Enable PPage's Apply button
End Sub

' User has clicked on the DeleteName button
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
    On Error Resume Next    ' ignore errors if the name is already entered for removal
    gDeletedNames.Add txtName
    lstNames.RemoveItem lstNames.ListIndex
    On Error GoTo 0

    cmdDelete.Enabled = False       ' Can't delete it twice
    Changed = True                  ' enable PPage's Apply button
End Sub

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