Microsoft Chat Server Development Guide


// SessionMonitor.cpp : Implementation of CSessionMonitor
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "LogMonitor.h"
#include "SessionMonitor.h"

// Name of file used to hold the Chat session log
static const char *LOGFILE = "C:\\CHATSESS.LOG";

// All extension require a short-name property
STDMETHODIMP CSessionMonitor::get_Name(BSTR *pbstrName)
    // This property defines the short-name used to identify this extension
    // The caller is responsible for freeing the memory
    *pbstrName = SysAllocString(L"SessionMonitor");
    return S_OK;

// The chat server calls this to allow an extension to initialize
// Result should be set to success or failure
STDMETHODIMP CSessionMonitor::Init(IChatServer *pServer, IChatRegistrar* pRegistrar, long *Result)
    BSTR Events;

    // We're using a smart point CComPtr, so no need to AddRef()
    m_pRegistrar = pRegistrar;        

    //allocate a BSTR of events to bind to
    Events = SysAllocString(L"OnNewUser,OnCloseUser");

    // Bind to user events, Result returns success if we bound ok    
    m_pRegistrar->AddServerEvent(Events, Result);    


    return S_OK;

// This method is called when a new user logs into the server
// pfCancel is used to cancel the event on pre-update notifications
STDMETHODIMP CSessionMonitor::OnNewUser(IChatUser *pUser, VARIANT_BOOL varbPostUpdate, long *pfCancel)
    BSTR Nick;
    // get the users Nick name and remember the time they logged in
    m_LoginTimes[OLE2A(Nick)] = time(NULL);
    return S_OK;

// This method is called when a user disconnects from the server
STDMETHODIMP CSessionMonitor::OnCloseUser(IChatUser *pUser)
    BSTR Nick;
    time_t loginTime;    
    map<string, time_t>::iterator it;
    // Get the nick for this user
    it = m_LoginTimes.find(OLE2A(Nick));

    // Check to see if we can find a start time for this Nick
    if( it != m_LoginTimes.end() ) {
        time_t now = time(NULL);
        char nowstr[32];
        char buf[128];

        lstrcpy(nowstr, asctime(localtime(&now)));

        // Format a message for this nick's login duration
        loginTime = it->second;
        wsprintf(buf, "%S\t%s\t%s\n", Nick, asctime(localtime(&loginTime)), nowstr);

        m_LoginTimes.erase(it);        // Remove this nick from the logintimes
        // Append this message to the LOGFILE
                                  NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
        if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
            DWORD len;
            // Seek to the end of the file
            SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, 0, FILE_END);

            len = strlen(buf);
            WriteFile(hFile, buf, len, &len, NULL);


    return S_OK;

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