Microsoft Script Chat


Microsoft Script Chat is a full-featured chat application using Java and JavaScript. One feature that is unique is the ability to fully customize the UI the way you want. Other features include dynamically changing information on the screen the user sees by using push technology.

To get started enter a nick within the given field and click on Connect.
Chat Log-in

Browser Requirements
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 3.02 or later (with 2.0 Scripting Engine)
  • Netscape Navigator, version 3.0 or later
  • Browser that fully support Java 1.02 and JavaScript 2.0
If you don't have one of these browser combinations, you can obtain a copy of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator for free off the internet.
Enter Nickname
The following features are not supported in IE3.0 Win32
  • Automatic scrolling of the chat history box.
  • Automatic sending of message with return key.
The following features are not supported in NS4 Mac
  • Automatic scrolling of the chat history box.