Planning Meetings

Meeting Glyph Use the Meeting Request feature to invite people and schedule resources for an activity at a specific time.


Requesting a Meeting

  1. From the Compose New box, choose Meeting Request.


  3. Click Compose New.

  4. In the To box, type the names of the people you would like to have attend.
  5. In the Subject box, type the meeting's topic.
  6. In the Location box, type the place where the meeting is to be held.
  7. In the Start Time and End Time boxes, type when the meeting begins and ends.
  8. Click Send.
Each attendee is sent a meeting request. To see the new item in your schedule area, select the Update page address button Update page address.

Checking Names

  1. To verify the names of the recipients in the To and Optional boxes, click the Check Names buttonCheck Names.

  2. If the addresses for all recipients are resolved, click OK.

    If the name cannot be resolved, select one of the suggested matches, and click Accept These Choices. If no matches are available, you can choose to ignore a recipient.

Inviting Attendees

You can send meeting request messages to attendees. The attendee can choose to accept or decline the invitation and reply to inform you of their decision. As a result, each attendee's status is automatically recorded on the Meeting Request.
  1. Fill out a New Meeting Request form.

  2. Click the Attendee Availability tab.

  3. Check the attendees' availability. Attendees' schedules are displayed on the chart.

  4. Click Send.

    The new Meeting Request appears on your schedule, and each attendee is sent a meeting request.

Rescheduling a Meeting

Meeting invitations are typically declined because the attendee has other unscheduled commitments but would like to attend if the meeting were at a different time.

Click the Attendee Availability tab to:

  • Find out if a proposed new time fits other attendees' schedules.
  • Adjust the starting and ending times.
  • Resend invitations to all attendees, regardless of whether they have accepted or not.

Canceling a Meeting

You can cancel a meeting and send a message that notifies attendees.

  1. On your Calendar, click to open the meeting you want to cancel.

  2. Click the Delete button Cancel Meeting.
  3. Click OK to send a message to the attendees about the canceled meeting, or click Cancel to cancel the meeting without notifying attendees.

  4. If you click OK, a cancellation form lets you type additional information that will be sent as part of the cancellation message. Click Send Send Cancellation to send your message to attendees.