Creating and Modifying Appointments

Use Appointments to schedule personal events that only you are required to attend, such as a visit with a physician, picking up a child from school, or setting a project's due date.

Creating a New Appointment

New appointments are scheduled by completing a New Appointment form.
  1. In the Compose New box, choose Appointment.
  2. Click Compose New.

  3. In the Subject box, type a brief description of the appointment.
  4. In the Location box, type the place where the appointment occurs.
  5. In the Start Time and End Time boxes, type the time that the appointment starts and ends.
  6. Type any comments in the Comment box, such as a list of necessary materials to take to the meeting.
  7. Click Save.

Modifying an Existing Appointment

If information about an appointment has changed since it was created, you can modify the appointment. However, you cannot modify an appointment created by someone else.
  1. Open the appointment by clicking the underlined portion of the appointment in the schedule area.

  2. To change the subject, type new text in the Subject box.

  3. Change the time of the appointment by typing new entries in the Start Time and End Time boxes.

  4. Click Save.