1 Your Property Sheet Name 2 Queues 3 This message has left the queue already.\nThe list will now be refreshed. 4 Delete message(s) from the queue now? 5 Delete Message 6 Set NDR flag on message(s) now? 7 NDR Message 8 Inbound to Exchange 9 Outbound from Exchange 10 Inbound from %1 11 Outbound to %1 12 Property was not found 13 Connector 14 Error initializing the list of queues: %1 15 Could not locate the requested queue. 16 Could not open the table of contents: %1 17 Could not retrieve the messages for this queue: %1 18 Could not find the message store: %1 19 Could not open the message store: %1 20 Could not convert the server name. 21 Could not open the gateway message store: %1 22 Could not retrieve the properties for this queue: %1 23 Could not delete a message: %1 24 Could not initialize the message tracking library. 25 Could not retrieve the computer name. 26 Could not write to the message tracking log.