README.TXT for Poscript hotfix documented in article Q157171 Postscript driver installation instructions: ============================================ This hotfix replaces the PSCRIPT.DLL file in the \%systemroot%\system32\spool\drivers\w32[platform]\[n] directory(s). Since the hotfix file could reside is different directories depending on the system configuration, the standard HOTFIX.EXE utility cannot be used to install or report this file. A manual install is required. Installation directions ----------------------- 1) On the target system, change to the drive that contains your Windows NT system directory (%systemroot%). 2) Change directories to \%systemroot%\system32\spool\drivers\w32[platform], where platform is equal to your platform type. Example: On a Intel platform, C:\WINNT\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86. 3) Look at the current directory. You will now find 1 or more numbered directories. These directories will contain your local printer drivers. 4) Examine each directory for the file PSCRIPT.DLL. If any of these directories contain the file, replace it with the hotfix file for this platform. 5) You must reboot the system for the Hotfix to take effect.