1000 Catapult Service 1001 FTP Service 1002 Gopher Service 1003 WWW Service 1004 Microsoft FTP Publishing Service is running. Do you want to stop the service? 1005 Microsoft Gopher Publishing Service is running. Do you want to stop the service? 1006 Microsoft World Wide Web Publishing Service is running. Do you want to stop the service? 1007 Microsoft Peer Web Services 3.0 Setup 1008 Microsoft DNS Service is running. Do you want to stop the service? 1009 Microsoft Catapult Access Gateway Service is running. Do you want to stop the service? 1010 Microsoft CERN Proxy is running. Do you want to stop the service? 1011 CERN Proxy Service 1012 MSN Access Service 1013 Microsoft MSN Access Service is running. Do you want to stop the service? 1014 Microsoft Internet Server 3.0 Setup 1020 FTP Publishing Service 1030 Domain Name Server Name Resolution Service 1040 Catapult Access Gateway Service 1050 Gopher Publishing Service 1060 World Wide Web Publishing Service 1080 CERN Proxy Publishing Service 1090 MSN Access Service 1100 Internet Server Anonymous Access 1110 Internet Guest Account 1112 InternetGuest 1113 Guest 1114 Guests 1115 Administrator 1116 Admin@corp.com 1117 Server Comment 1118 Error: Access is Denied.