Printer Changer --------------- NEW for version 2.00. Add entry to fix HPGL files to over come MS Word's HPGL filter bug. The bug is that long strings of data points don't convert so this fix adds Pen Up, Pen Down commands to break the string. Multiple files can be selected in the the select file dialog. These are processed in turn when the process file button is clicked. The program creates temporary files of *.~gl. These are deleted after the program completes (or not if you get a crash :-(). Long filenames are not supported but hpgl fix does work under windows 95 same as any windows 3.1 program. Version 1.00 This puts an icon in the system tray. Left click the icon and a list of the system printers pops up. The default printer is ticked. Click another printer to change that one to be the default. If the default printer already is correct then you can either click it again or faster click the blank area at bottom of the popup menu (e.g. a left 10 pixels move, click). The program reads the printers from the the win.ini file so if you don't like the order re-arrange the lines in the devices section of win.ini. The default icon is the current date. The can be changed to a printer by editting PrtChg.ini and changing DateIcon=1 to DateIcon=0. The splash time can also be changed by edittting the value in PrtChg.ini of SplashTime but it may not dissappear for zero. The times are in 10ths of a second and it only takes whole numbers. 1 works ok on my PC which should be quick enough for anyone. The next time setting is CheckTime, default 10 seconds. This controls how often the program checks to see if the date has changed. If you work through midnight you need this for the date icon to be updated. The short the time is the more quickly the date icon will change a midnight but the more load you put on windows the rest of the day. 10 seconds seemed fast enough for me and that gives a minuscule cpu load. The other time setting is ShiftTime, default 60 seconds. This controls how long the program waits before shifting the icon. I like my icon as the date and I like it to be always next to the time. The shift does this after waiting enough time to let all the programs in the start group finish. This is also a command on the popup menu. Finally if there is no ini file just run the program and quit it and it will recreate it. Hence if you think the ini file is corrupt just delete it. You should also delete the ini file when upgrading versions. Version History --------------- 2.00 Added HPGL fix 1.00 First release Author ------ Malcolm Reeves, Full Circuit Ltd