VRML Express 1.0 - Read Me!

Welcome to VRML Express(tm)! What is Express? VRML Express is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for building VRML worlds. This release contains three editors - VRML, Express and Java(tm).

The VRML editor lets you:

The Express editor lets you:

The Java editor lets you:

All three editors let you find errors by just clicking on the error message. The VRML and Express editors support VRML 1.0.

Also included in this release is a skeleton Java vrml package based on the Moving Worlds proposal for VRML 2.0. You can use the vrml package to experiment with writing and compiling, but NOT running, scripts for the Moving Worlds proposal.

See the Notes document for more information on the Express editor.

This release is available for Windows® 95 and Windows NT 3.51. Send comments, suggestions or bug reports to Chet Murphy at cmurphy@modelworks.com. You can download Express from http://www.modelworks.com/express

To be notified when updates are posted, send mail here requesting update notification.


There is no installer for this release. To install Express extract the downloaded file to a folder.

If you plan on using the Java tools, then you will JDK 1.0 and will also need to tell Express where your Java directory is located. To do this create a new Java document using the Express File menu, then choose Java Directory item from the Java menu and set the location of your Java directory. You will also need to tell Java where the top level sources are located. You can do this by choosing the Package Directories item from the Java menu. For all the Java tools to work, one of the entries in the Package Directories should be "...\java\lib\classes.zip". Express assumes that the Java directory in located as a subdirectory of your Express directory and that the Java tools are located in "...\java\bin\".

See the Express FAQ for more information.

Change History

VRML Express 1.0.4 (MWE104.zip)

1. Fixed the file created message in the Express editor so that it describes the .wrl file actually created and made minor changes to other output messages.

2. Updated the Run Applet command so that it sets the current directory before invoking JDK's appletviewer. This change lets the appletviewer run an applet correctly if the current directory has been changed from your applet directory. See the JPad FAQ for more information.

3. Removed unsupported menu items.

4. Fixed the bug that prevented saving the tab setting.

5. Fixed the bug that caused an assertion failure when a window was made "too" small.

6. Removed the '-l' option from the Disassemble menu command.

VRML Express 1.0.3 (MWE103.zip)

1. Allow spaces in Java directory paths.

VRML Express 1.0.2 (MWE102.zip)

1. Fixed the bug that prevented the capture of output from the Java tools under Windows NT

2. Fixed the bug that prevented locating errors by clicking on the error message in the output window under Windows NT

3. Fixed the bug that prevented the output window from being cleared under Windows NT.

VRML Express 1.0.1 (MWE101.zip)

1. Removed the '\' at the end of Java directories before passing directory info to the Java tools. This change prevents Express from opening Java source files multiple times in a multiple file package.

2. Added support for executing Java classes defined in packages. For example, if YourClass is defined in YourPackage, then when you run YourClass, Express extracts the package name and passes "YourPackage.YourClass" as the name of the class to java.

VRML Express 1.0 (MWE10.zip)

1. VRML Express now contains three separate editors - Express, VRML and Java.

2. Allow selection of multiple files in the file open dialog

3. Fixed the PointAt function so that it keeps the top of the camera parallel with the x-z plane

VRML Express 1.0 Beta 1b (MWE10B1B.zip)

1 Fixed incompatibility with Microsoft Explorer's option to hide file extensions.

2 Improved reformat performance

VRML Express 1.0 Beta 1a (MWE10B1A.zip)

1 Initial public release.

Copyright (c) 1996, Modelworks Software. All rights reserved.

VRML Express is a trademark of ModelWorks Software. Java is a trademark of Sun Micorsystems, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.