IE4 Tweakin' Tool




  • Fixes the "Open in new window / No Such Interface Supported" problem as documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q180176.
  • Fixes the "New document" problem as documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q180257.
  • Fixes the "Links toolbar" problem as documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q176262.
  • Ability to easily remove (and put back) items from the start menu, such as Favorites and Logoff.
  • Re-sort your start menu Favorites and Programs into alpha-numerical order.
  • Restore the default 'IE Spinning Globe'.
  • Change the title bar text in Internet Explorer and Outlook Express.
  • Decide whether to show the splash screen when Outlook Express starts.


  • On the Start Menu tab, 5 items are greyed out and can not be changed. It isn't possible to remove Programs, Settings or Help from the Start Menu, and disabling the Find and Run menu commands can cause problems on some machines.
  • Fixes will affect all users of the machine, however all other tweaks affect only the current user.


  • Software written by Richard Lake using MSVC 5. Tested under NT4 and Win'95

Product updates:


  • 'IE4 Tweakin' Tool' is freeware. The author of this program accepts no responsibility for damages resulting from use of this product and makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, any implied fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "as is", and you, it's user, assumes all risks when using it. 'Internet Explorer', 'Outlook Express' and 'Microsoft' are all trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. If you wish to provide this software on your site, or distribute it as part of either an electronic or solid-state (e.g. CD, DVD) stored collection you must request permission by e-mail beforehand.


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