
Distribution Requirements

InfoCourier is Copyright ©1996 by Oakley Data Services. All rights not specifically granted in this documentation are reserved.

The complete evaluation version of InfoCourier may be freely distributed in any way, electronically via BBS's, the Internet and On-Line Services, via Disk Vendors or attached to books, magazines and the like. In all cases all files must be included unmodified.

The evaluation version is defined as a version that does not contain a copy of an ICL1X.DLL licensing file.

No one may distribute the ICL1X.DLL file.

If you intend to bundle this program with a book, magazine or similar you can make sure you have the latest version by visiting our Internet site at http://www.smartcode.com or by FTP'ing the file ICOUR.ZIP from ftp://ftp.smartcode.com or by downloading it from UKSHARE library 4 on CompuServe, again filename ICOUR.ZIP.