Telix for Windows is Copyright (c) 1993-96 by deltaComm Development, Inc. Telix for Windows is not, nor has ever been, public domain or free software. The commercial, registered version of Telix for Windows may not be duplicated other than for backup purposes. A registered copy of Telix for Windows must be treated like a book, in that the same registered copy of Telix for Windows may not be used in more than one computer at the same time, just as a book may not be read by more than one person at the same time (without making an illegal copy). Network users must purchase one copy of Telix for Windows for each workstation that Telix for Windows is to be installed on. Users are granted a limited license to use the User Supported, trial version of Telix for Windows on 45 different days in order to determine if it suits their needs. Any other use of Telix for Windows or use past this period requires the purchase of a software license. An automatic "registration sentry" is built into Telix for Windows to help enforce this license; at the end of the 45 day evaluation period, Telix for Windows must either be purchased or removed from the computer. TELIX FOR WINDOWS AND ALL OF ITS COMPONENTS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF DELTACOMM DEVELOPMENT, INC. NEITHER TELIX FOR WINDOWS NOR ANY OF ITS COMPONENTS MAY BE REVERSE ENGINEERED NOR DISASSEMBLED FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSLY INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO EFFORTS TO DEFEAT ANY PART OF THE "REGISTRATION SENTRY" FEATURES OF THE SOFTWARE (DEFINED AS THOSE FEATURES WHICH ARE DESIGNED TO LIMIT THE USE OF THIS EVALUATION VERSION OF TELIX FOR WINDOWS TO 45 DAYS OF USE). USERS POSTING SUCH INFORMATION, DOCUMENTATION, PROGRAMS OR PATCH FILES THAT SEEK TO DISABLE THE REGISTRATION SENTRY ARE IN VIOLATION OF UNITED STATES AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW AND WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. All users are granted a limited license to copy the User Supported version of Telix for Windows only for the purpose of allowing others to try it, subject to the above restrictions as well as these: þ Telix must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form, including ALL program, documentation, and other files. þ Telix may not be included with any other product for any reason whatsoever without a license from deltaComm Development, Inc. This explicitly includes but is not limited to published books, cover disks, turnkey systems that use Telix for Windows as a communications and scripting engine, modem manufacturers, and computer dealers including Telix for Windows pre-bundled on computers they sell. þ No charge or payment may be levied or accepted for Telix. These restrictions are necessary because of customers' beliefs that when they pay a vendor for a product or service, that they have paid for everything that the product or service comes with, including the mistaken belief that they have paid any license fees for bundled shareware when they paid the vendor. Bulletin Board system operators and computer user groups may post the unregistered, User Supported version of Telix for Windows on their BBS for downloading by their users without written permission only if the above conditions are met, and only if no special fee is necessary to access the Telix files (a general fee to access the BBS is ok). Distributors of User Supported and Public Domain software must obtain written permission from deltaComm Development, Inc., before distributing Telix for Windows and must follow the above conditions, as well as other detailed at the time of request for a distributor's license. This includes but is not limited to: catalog vendors, mail order vendors, swap meet vendors, flea market vendors, retail shareware vendors commonly known as "rack vendors", and low cost retail vendors. Shareware vendors or other parties found to be bundling copies of Telix for Windows with other products or services without written permission, or found to be in the business of distributing shareware copies of Telix for a fee and as a business without written permission will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Shareware (including Telix for Windows) is fully protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States and other countries; the fact that shareware is readily downloadable from online systems and freely distributable as described above does in no way relinquish any of our rights to Copyright Protection to which we are entitled. Telix for Windows Ordering/Registration Information Registering (buying) Telix for Windows allows you to use the product after the 45-day trial period. Registered Telix users get the current version of Telix for Windows in a shelf-ready, shrink-wrap retail package, complete with printed documentation. Purchasers will also receive mailed notification of major Telix for Windows updates via our "deltaCommuniqu‚" newsletter, and a one-year subscription on the Telix Software Support BBS, deltaComm Online (we guarantee no support to unregistered users). Most importantly, registered users know they are helping to make sure that high-quality software like Telix for Windows continues to be sold in this low-cost way. Registered users will receive access to our online service, featuring many thousands of megabytes of shareware for download, access to international echo mail, Internet E-mail, Reuters news services, weather services, stock quotes and more. A limited subscription to deltaComm Online, including access to all of the above features and more, is included with your order. Payment may be in the form of check, money order, or with VISA or Mastercard. We also accept corporate purchase orders for amounts of $44 US and over. All US dollar checks must be drawn on a US bank, and all Canadian dollar checks must be drawn on a Canadian bank. Note that we quote equivalent prices in both $US and $CDN, but as we are a US company all credit card orders will be billed in $US, and your card statement will show any conversion between currencies. To place an order, please use the automated registration system built into the evaluation copy of Telix for Windows, or call toll free from North America at (800) 859-8000, or at (919)-460-4556 with your VISA or Mastercard ready. Previously registered owners of Telix for DOS may upgrade to Telix for Windows for substantially less than the full purchase price. Please refer to the automated registration system for the current update price from your local distributor. Quantity and Corporate Purchases The order form on the following may be used to purchase multiple copies of Telix for Windows, with discounts as follows: 1 - 10 copies no discount 11 - 50 copies 10% discount 51 - 100 copies 20% discount 101 - 200 copies 30% discount 201 - 999 copies 40% discount 1000 copies plus 50% discount Multiple copy purchases are simply bulk purchases and include that many copies of Telix for Windows in the shrink-wrap packages. Site Licenses with one master disk and manual but licensed for multiple users are also available at significant savings. Please call your distributor for your area. The number for your distributor is contained in the automated registration system of Telix for Windows. International Orders International registration sites have been established in England, Germany, and Australia with more being established with each release. Please purchase your copy of Telix for Windows from the appropriate local registration site. Users in Europe but not in Germany should purchase from the German site. All prices, discounts, and registration sites are subject to change without notice. Discounts are not cumulative; they apply only to separate orders. Warranties and Disclaimers deltaComm Development, Inc., makes no warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software and accompanying documentation. IN NO EVENT SHALL DELTACOMM DEVELOPMENT, INC., BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM, EVEN IF DELTACOMM DEVELOPMENT, INC., HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Trademarks Telix, the Telix logo, deltaComm Development, Inc., the distinctive deltaComm logo, SALT, SIMPLE, QuickTools, FlashKeys, and the distinctive Telix for Windows "blue digital lightning" logo are registered trademarks of deltaComm Development, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Microsoft Windows is a registered Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. GIF is a trademark of CompuServe, an H&R Block Subsidiary. GIF uses proprietary, licensed compression technology patented by Unisys Corporation. Other product names, corporate names, or titles used within the program and accompanying help files may be trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies, and are mentioned only in an explanatory manner to the owners' benefit, and without intent to infringe. Government Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights In Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and paragraph (d) of the Commercial Computer Software -- Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227 - 19. The Subcontractor/Manufacturer is deltaComm Development, Inc., 507 Airport Blvd, Suite 109, Morrisville, NC 27560, USA. Copyright (c) 1994-96 deltaComm Development, Inc., PO Box 1185, Cary, NC 27512 Sales: (800) 859-8000 Support: (919) 460-4556 Fax: (919) 460-4531 Sales: Support: BBS: (919) 481-9399