ࡱ>   ܥhWett  E     /= Xp* w  w w  w . A )    g Internet Connection Monitor version 1.01 Legal information IMON is mailware. If you use it on daily basis, please tell me! My E-mail address is jonas@the-lair.com. IMON is available in it's latest version on http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/2612/ Installation Expand all files to a temporary directory. Right click on Imon.inf and select Install. If necessary, type in the temporary directory's name. Shortcuts to IMON are installed in the Accessories and Startup groups. How to uninstall Open Control Panel's Add/Remove program and select Internet Monitor from the list. This will delete all Internet Monitor's files. /=()tuU]c ]c();3qrst$$r$$S$$$$$$$y$\$\$$ 48  48 4  4# P( 4K@Normala *@*Rubrik 2 < UV]c&A@&Standardstycketeckensnitttt tttdhmms;0x#-+'"`, ,RCFRF KOMMENTARSKAPADATREDTIDDOKNAMN FILSTORLEK NYCKELORD SENSPARATAVANTALTKNANTALSIDANTALORD UTSKRIFTSDATPRIVATRDVERSIONSPARADATMNEINHODOKMALLTITELXO DOKEGENSKAPALFAARABINITVERS GRUNDTEXT TECKENFORM VALUTATEXT FRSTVERSHEXGEMEN KOPPLAFORMORDTALORDTEXTROMANVERSALABSAVRUNDADEFHELTALOCHFALSKTMAXMINRESTMEDELANTALICKEELLERPRODUKTOMTECKENSUMMASANTCKBJvgAnnika och Jonas BrattD:\Mina program\TAPI\imon.docAnnika och Jonas BrattC:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IMON.DOC@HP DeskJet 500CLPT1:DESKJETCHP DeskJet 500CHP DeskJet 500C( ,,C^|HP DeskJet 500C( ,,C^|TTTTETimes New Roman Symbol &Arial"MS Sans SerifAO  Z$*Annika och Jonas Bratt Root Entryes to a te @<@ctory. Right click o FlA ) @mporWordDocumentrtcuts to IMON are installed in the Acartup groups. How to uninstall Open PaneCompObjgram and select Internet Monitor from the listte all Internet Moni`SummaryInformation(  FWord-dokument MSWordDocWord.Document.69qOh+'0|  8 D P\dltA NormalAnnika och Jonas Bratt5Microsoft Word for Windows 95@0@"ڻDocumentSummaryInformation8 ՜.+,0HP\dl t|  > @YZ՜.+,0HP\dl t|  >