300 %s Hello %s, why do insist on calling yourself %s? 301 %s Hello %s, why do you wish to remain anonymous? 302 %s Hello %s, why do you call yourself %s? Extended:\nHELP\nVERB\nONEX\nMULT\nEXPN\nTICK\nXWIN3\n8BITMIME 303 %s Hello %s, why do you wish to remain anonymous? Extended:\nHELP\nVERB\nONEX\nMULT\nEXPN\nTICK\nXWIN3\n8BITMIME 304 %s Hello %s, pleased to meet you. 306 Sender already specified 307 %s Sender Ok 308 %s Recipient Ok 310 Can't open a temporary file for your message. 311 Reset State 312 Command Not Available. 314 Ok. 316 Verbose mode. 317 Only one transaction set. 318 Command Not Available. 319 Debug mode on. 325 Error seeking to the end of the Mail file. Try to re-send later. 326 Enter mail, terminate with '.' alone on a line 327 Enter 8BITMIME message, terminate with '<LF>.<CR><LF>'. 328 %s Hello %s, I do ESMTP\nHELP\nVERB\nONEX\nMULT\nEXPN\nTICK\nXWIN3\n8BITMIME 329 %s Sender and 8BITMIME Ok. 330 Welcome. 500 HELO <hostname>\n Lets you identify yourself to me. I really don't care though.\n 501 VERB\n I don't implement this command yet\n 502 ONEX\n Tells me that you only want to do one transaction.\n 503 MULT\n Tells me you want to do multiple trasactions.\n 504 MAIL FROM:<sender>\n Specify sender. Only used once.\n If you used EHLO, you can add a ' BODY=8BITMIME' to the end.\n Example:\n MAIL FROM: <user@this.is.atest> BODY=8BITMIME\n 505 RCPT TO:<recipient>\n Specify receiver. Can be used a number of times. Example:\n RCPT TO:<user@this.is.atest>\n 506 DATA\n Tells me that a mail message follows, terminated by a .{CR/LF}.\n DATA{CR/LF}\n Message{CR/LF}\n .{CR/LF}\n 507 RSET\n Resets my current State (I forget what you've told me).\n 508 VRFY/EXPN\n I am supposed to tell you if addresses are valid for me.\n But I lie in my current version, I like everyone.\n 509 NOOP\n I get to twiddle my thumbs!\n 510 QUIT\n I say goodbye. Then I crudely hang up.\n 511 TICK\n A nasty little blood sucking parasite\n Er.. I mean, kinda like a NOOP\n 512 TURN\n I am supposed to switch to SMTP client mode.\n But I don't in my current incantation.\n 513 SEND FROM:<sender>\n Send a message to the recipient's screen.\n 514 SAML FROM:<sender>\n SEND and MAIL the recipient.\n 515 SOML FROM:<sender>\n SEND or MAIL the recipient.\n 516 SHOWQ\n My IQ is higher than your IQ, obviously.\n 517 DEBUG\n I don't have any bugs. So there.\n 518 done with the install so set system as done installing 519 Commands:\n HELO EHLO VERB ONEX MULT MAIL\n RCPT DATA RSET VRFY EXPN XWIN3\n SEND SAML SOML TURN NOOP QUIT\n TICK SHOWQ DEBUG\nFor more info use 'HELP <topic>'.\n 520 EHLO <hostname>\n Identifies yourself, and tells me to use the ESMTP extensions.\n 521 XWIN3\n I notice that you are another MSWindows SMTP client.\n 602 Windows Sockets API (WINSOCK.DLL) v1.1 or higher was not found on your system! 603 Windows Sockets v1.1 not supported by your WINSOCK.DLL, Sorry! 604 WSA Error: Unknown error occured 605 SMTPServerService 606 SMTP Server initialization error 607 %s Welcome to Register NT Deamon Service V1.0 By Nu Tech Software Solutions, Inc. 609 Thank you for using Nutech Software Solutions Register Deamon Service\nBye\n 610 Command unrecognized. 611 Connection refused to many clients...\n 10004 WSAEINTR: Interrupt Error! 10009 WSAEBADF: Bad file? 10013 WSAEACCES: Access error! 10014 WSAEFAULT: Fault Error! 10022 WSAEINVAL: Invalid parameter 10024 WSAEMFILE: Out of file handles? 10035 WSAEWOULDBLOCK Operation Would Block! 10036 WSAEINPROGRESS: Something is blocking! 10037 WSAEALREADY: Already used/in use? 10038 WSAENOTSOCK: Parameter was not a valid socket! 10039 WSAEDESTADDRREQ: Destination address request 10040 WSAEMSGSIZE: Message Size 10041 WSAEPROTOTYPE: Bad protocol type? 10042 WSAENOPROTOOPT: No protocol option? 10043 WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: Protocol not supported 10045 WSAEOPNOTSUPP: Operation not supported 10046 WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: Protocol family not supported? 10048 WSAEADDRINUSE: Something else is already using the SMTP port! 10049 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: Address not available 10050 WSAENETDOWN: WinSock says the network is down! 10051 WSAENETUNREACH: Network unreachable 10052 WSANETRESET: Network reset! 10053 WSAECONNABORTED: Connection aborted! 10054 WSAECONNRESET: Connection reset? 10055 WSAENOBUFS: No more buffers left 10056 WSAEISCONN: You are already connected 10057 WSAENOTCONN: You are not connected. You using Lanera's TCP/IP? 10058 WSAESHUTDOWN: WinSock Shutdown iminent? 10059 WSAETOOMANYREFS: Too many references 10060 WSAETIMEDOUT: Timed out! 10061 WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused? 10062 WSAELOOP: Loop?!? 10063 WSAENAMETOOLONG: Name too long? 10064 WSAEHOSTDOWN: Host down? 10065 WSAEHOSTUNREACH: Host unreachable? 10091 WSASYSNOTREADY: System not ready 10092 WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: Version not supported 10093 WSANOTINITIALISED: Windows Sockets API not initialized! 11001 WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: Host not found 11002 WSATRY_AGAIN: Try, try again 11003 WSANO_RECOVERY: Can't recover 11004 WSANO_DATA: No data