3D-Audio V0.99, Demo file Copyr. 1997, Climax Software Solutions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This software is shareware, see the help file (How to register) for details... The latest version of 3D-Audio is available for download on the internet @URL: "http://www.audiophile.com/climax" Contents: 1. Usage 2. Feedback and bugreports 1.Usage - Put the demo files into your 3D-Audio directory - Start 3D-Audio - Load the demo by selecting File/Open and choose the file pingpong.3da - Start the computation by selecting Project/Compute - When computation is finished or while computing choose Project/Open output file to load the rendered sound file - Choose Audio/Play from the menu You can modify the parameters, e.g. the Source: Ping Pong / Basic / Reflexion order entry (while you should not exceed a value of 4 or 5 reflexions) or the motion instructions to get a feeling for the data parameters. 2.Feedback and bugreports: Send bug reports, suggestions, and the registration form to email: climax@audiophile.com or mail: Climax Software Solutions PO Box 210416 10504 Berlin Germany For bug reports, state what program version it is, what OS you are using, as well as if you've installed Direxct X3. In addition to stating the nature of the problem, give a detailed step-by-step account of what you did that led up to the bug and note all messages that you encounter on the way. Have Fun! C. Wolters & O. Lenzmann Climax Software Solutions, June, 1997