Whats new in NAD 0.80? ---------------------- * Command Line options (see Below) * In-Window visualisation * Oscilliscope - This is s filled Oscilliscope, which I personally think looks nicer than a 'line' oscilliscope. There is also the option of high persistence, which makes it look just like one of those cool ones you see on TV. * Spectrum Analyser - an average spectrum analyser, it uses the colour of the oscilliscope to draw, eventually I'll work on it more to make it all nice colours. * Advanced Skip Protection * Support for Drag+Drop directories * Custom NAD-Look message boxes * Supported File-Type registration * NAD now remembers the last directory you loaded files from * A Frame Counter * Stream Sync 'Lights' (the green and red boxes under the time display) (please dont ask what the blue one is for yet...) * The Purple light is a Low Buffer warning light, if this is lit a lot, then I'd reccommend either turning up the nuber of buffers, adding pre-buffering, or even dropping for 486 mode(Which may be a lot faster on Cyrix/amd 686 chips). The light will be on at the very beginning of decoding, because nad will not have filled up its audio buffer, the light should dim after 1second of sound is played. * Better Shell Intergration. One major improvement is, if you run nad from its .exe then you can start as many nads as you like, however double clicking an associated .mp3(or mp1,mp2) will find the other nad and tell it to play the mp3.... assuming multiple instances is switched off in the preferences... Clever? maybe... * More fixups to the Continuous Playback, its even better than before! (is that possible???) Keep trying MuseArc...... * Drag and Drop onto the playlist editor ADDS the item(s) to the playlist while keeping the existing playlist. * Brand new TAG Editor * More Genre Settings (One Hundred and Eleven to be precise...) * Preset Graphic Equalizer set-up's (For Some Of The more common Genres) * The ability to set the GraphicEqualizer from the GENRE of a TAG. * Vast speed-ups all round, I went through all the new code optimizing (and in some cases re-writing) the code to be as fast as possible. * Re-Implemented Mp3 TAG Support * Re-Implemented Time Display * Improved MP1/MPG audio playback code * Improved plugin support * Improved sync detection * Fixed an 'issue' with winamp-made playlists. Winamp saves the filenames of the items relative to the playlist location, NAD expects a full path name. Anyway NAD now knows the difference between the playlist formats (and its still compatible with winamp) and adjusts itself accordingly, sorry to all who had winamp made playlists that were causing problems with NAD. * Links to Free and Commercial music Brand new Command Line Options: ------------------------------- /HIDDEN Causes NAD to start hidden from view /QUIT Causes NAD to quit after the last item in the playlist has been played. This will 'auto-disable' if you use the gui, so its best used with the /HIDDEN option... /MINIMIZED Causes NAD to start minimized. /SHUFFLE:ON /SHUFFLE:OFF Activates/Deactivates shuffle mode. /REPEAT:ON /REPEAT:OFF Activates/Deactivates Repeat Play mode. /QUALITY:QUARTER /QUALITY:HALF /QUALITY:FULL Sets the decoder quality. /INFO Brings up a dialog box giving you information on the mpeg file(s) you specify.