This release contains the 1998.05.20 version of Anvil Studio by Willow Software. It replaces the old versions named,, mstudioZ.exe. AST9805.EXE is a self-extracting ZIP file. AST9805.ZIP is the equivalent ZIP file (run the program SETUP.EXE). Anvil Studio is a "Freeware" program that runs under Windows 95 and Windows NT. It supports multi-track recording, composing, and editing of music using MIDI, digital audio, and sampled rhythms. Audio effects include delay, pitch change, filtering, and reverse. Anvil Studio is designed to work with several accessories from Willow Software that increase functionality and performance. Requires 16 meg RAM (32 meg for Audio recording), and a Sound card. Anvil Studio requires Internet Explorer 3.0 or later, or Windows 98. Note that Netscape Navigator or any other browser can remain your primary browser even if you install Internet Explorer on your computer. To run under Windows NT 4.0, it requires Microsoft's NT Service Pack 3, available for download from Microsoft's WEB sites at: or While Anvil Studio is free of charge, it is copyrighted material, and can only be redistributed without modification. If you have questions or setup problems, please see if a newer version is available at our website: or download and run our Setup Diagnostic tool from: (It is very small and just take a few seconds to download.) or contact us by email at: or by mail at Willow Software P.O. Box 60122 Shoreline, WA 98160-0122 New features and bugs fixed in the 1998.05.20 version include: - Enables optional accessory for printing high-resolution Sheet music. - Supports Stereo Audio (the previous versions were limited to Mono). - Create a single .WAV file by mixing all Audio and Sampled Rhythm tracks with the Delay effect applied. - Fixed several bugs, including some Setup bugs. - Now runs on Windows NT 4.0. Features that were added and bugs fixed in the 1998.04.22 version include: - Added more context-sensitive help. - Fixed bug where Help information sometimes got blanked out on machines with Internet Explorer version 4.0. - The Back Page arrow failed to work in some situations. - MIDI recording had some problems with synths that generated Clock and Active Sensing MIDI events.