CD-Ripper version .99.04 beta Copyright (c) 1996 by Josh Anderson. All rights reserved. =================================================================== Requirements: Windows 95/NT, including NT 4.0 1MB free hard drive space Installation: Extract the contents of this zip to a temporary directory and execute the file "setup.exe." Follow the instructions. ---- This is the first release of my 32-bit, fully LFN-capable archiving utility. I liked the idea behind RipIt, but I didn't like the fact that it didn't handle long filenames (at least not when I started writing this). I also was sick of mangled filenames in arj archives. So to answer my needs, I wrote this util using RAR compression for the multi-volume rips and a dll-based (NOT pkzip-based) zipping routine that can also handle long filenames. I would like to perfect this util and have a few ideas that are in development. For the most part, though, it's all cosmetic. I would like for anyone who encounters bugs or would like to request additional functionality to please email me at Update Information: =================== 12/13/96 - Minor debugging, removal of the last remnants of debug message boxes. 12/12/96 - Single zip archive option now displays a message box indicating completion of the archive operation. Zip processes now display a progress meter. Multi-selection enabled on the file list box on page 3. Clear archive file list ability added on page 3. Fixed directory recursion and relative path default settings. Minor optimizations made. 12/11/96 - RAR-in-a-zip process fixed so that it includes the file_id.diz file in every zip. On page 3, archive file list displays archive filename instead of "CD-Ripper Archive." System dir dialog box removed (sorry, that was for my debugging purposes--it made it through to the release). Lack of bug reports leads to promotion of release to beta. 12/10/96 - Page control changed. Ability to add a directory on page 2 added. Last page redesigned. 12/08/96 - Initial release. LICENCE INFORMATION: ==================== CD-Ripper Wizard is FREEWARE. It only took me a week or two to write (two or three hours at a time), so I couldn't possibly sleep at night asking for any type of contribution. Plus, I'm sick of pansy-ass jerks asking for $30 for a non-production software title. All I DO ask is that you leave this readme file in the archive whenever you distribute it and that, if you have some change and the time, to drop me a postcard to Josh Anderson 7237 Hollowell Dr. N Tampa, FL 33634 US I'd like to see where this util ends up. ---- That said, here's the all-important license agreement: ******************************************************************************************** CD-Ripper Wizard is released as freeware under the following conditions: · You cannot charge anything for the distribution of this software, save the actual costs of media, shipping etc. · This software comes without any guarantee of any kind. I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOSS OF INCOME, OR ANY OTHER PROBLEMS YOU MIGHT EXPERIENCE FROM USING THIS SOFTWARE. RIP AT YOUR OWN RISK!! · Josh Anderson keeps the full Copyright of all this software and (when it's out) documentation, and reserves the right to change his mind about anything regarding this policy at any time. Copyright (c) 1996 by Josh Anderson