ۥ-/@ -}  $ $$ $ $ $ $ 2 D D D D D N D X w w w w w w w w w y y y  X X v 4 2v $ v v DDETerminateAll Begin Dialog UserDialog 300, 120 Text 10, 10, 190, 10, "Type of screen capture:" OptionGroup .snagtype OptionButton 20, 30, 190, 15, "Screen" OptionButton 20, 50, 190, 15, "Window Client Area" OptionButton 20, 70, 190, 15, "Entire Window" OptionButton 20, 90, 190, 15, "Region" OKButton 220, 6, 64, 18 CancelButton 220, 32, 64, 18 End Dialog Dim dlg As Dialog UserDialog On Error Goto Endit Dialog dlg On Error Goto 0 If dlg.snagtype = 0 Then SnagType$ = "screen" If dlg.snagtype = 1 Then SnagType$ = "client" If dlg.snagtype = 2 Then SnagType$ = "window" If dlg.snagtype = 3 Then SnagType$ = "region" AppMinimize() Channel = DDEInitiate("SnagIt", "System") DDEExecute Channel, "[set (" + Chr$(34) + "window hide" + Chr$(34) + ")]" DDEExecute Channel, "[set (" + Chr$(34) + "input " + SnagType$ + Chr$(34) + ")]" DDEExecute Channel, "[set (" + Chr$(34) + "output clipboard" + Chr$(34) + ")]" DDEExecute Channel, "[snag(" + Chr$(34) + "" + Chr$(34) + ")]" WaitTilDone: a$ = DDERequest$(Channel, "Status") For x = 1 To 100 Next x If(Left$(a$, 5) <> "Ready") Then Goto WaitTilDone DDEExecute Channel, "[set (" + Chr$(34) + "window show" + Chr$(34) + ")]" DDETerminate(Channel) AppRestore EditPaste Endit: }%Y*6GIxCE2rtACZfhsu}!/F   }} Tms Rmn Symbol"HelvHP LaserJet 4/4MLPT1:HPPCL5EHP LaserJet 4/4M Dx5.X -  " hD%3إ 2William D. Hamilton Carrie Thorn