WCLCFG.EXE ---------- This is a program which can be used to CONFIGURE WCL. It has presents a dialog box with entries which correspond roughly to the main interface settings for WCL that are found in the file WCL.INI (except the "Don't Change Directory" checkbox, which corresponds to the "DO=" entry in WCL.INI). If you need some help to see what values should be entered into the fields, click on the "HELP" button, and then select the title "INI_File_Settings" in the help file. You can still edit the WCL.INI file manually by typing "CHG2" at the WCL command prompt. However, using this program can save you that task. You can run WCLCFG from the WCL prompt by just typing its name. When you finish making all the necessary changes in the dialog box, then click on the button labelled "Save and Continue" if you want to keep WCLCFG running. Otherwise, click on the "OK" button to write the changes into WCL.INI, and to exit WCLCFG. If you do not want to save the changes, click on the "ABORT" button. You can move round the fields by using the mouse, or by pressing TAB. Pressing ENTER at any stage does not achieve anything.