There are the tools needed to build a .T32 dll : uncompress the ZIPfile in a directory, which will contain : - The .H file, RC.EXE, RCDLL.DLL and LINK.EXE from Visual C++ 4.x - RESOURCE.H, VER_INFO.RCV fro WinImage translation kit - the .RC file translated To build the .t32, you'll do: rc -dCTL3D220 -dLANGAGE -r -fo winimarc.res winimarc.rc link -dll -out:winimarc.t32 /MACHINE:IX86 /NOENTRY -subsystem:windows WINIMArc.RES Note : for building a Help file modified with WinWord, you need Help Compiler 5.05 You can get it by ftp : List of .H included from Win32 SDK : CTYPE.H POPPACK.H PSHPACK1.H PSHPACK2.H PSHPACK4.H PSHPACK8.H STDARG.H STRING.H VER.H WINDEF.H WINNT.H WINUSER.H WINVER.H the Windows.H is a 'mini' windows.h that contain : //--- #include "windef.h" #include "winuser.h" #define WIN32 //---