Unstall for Windows by PV-Soft, Petri Voutilainen Once I tried one Uninstall for Windows program that didn't work in my PC. So I decided to make my own. UN4WIN.BAT menu requires 4DOS as your shell. Otherwise use TALLENNA.BAT and VERTAILU.BAT direct (after changing them to match your system). 1. Saving settings with TALLENNA.BAT If TALLENNA.BAT is run under Windows, then Windows directory _should_ be found in variable %windir. Otherwise you should change TALLENNA.BAT and VERTAILU.BAT Saves: - WIN.INI - SYSTEM.INI - AUTOEXEC.BAT - CONFIG.SYS - file listings in both WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories - tree structure in drives C: - F: (change TALLENNA.BAT and VERTAILU.BAT according to Your drives) 2. Comparing current and old settings Comparison is done with DOS's FC.EXE (FileCompare) and results are directed to EROT.TXT file. That file is then typed to screen with more option. You can replace that with your favourite editor.