LXT 1.33 - HTML-output changed to resolve problems with some HTML viewers (especially Microsoft WinWord 6.0 Internet Assistant) - generation of additional HTML files (name index, file contents, cross reference) - optional file name for HTML option no longer possible (see documentation) - changes to RTF-output defaults - generation of additional RTF information (file contents, cross reference) - error with incremental database builds (options -g -G) and option -D fixed - item names are now sorted case-insensitive - problems with options -i and -S fixed - specifying -S+ prints now also all not -S items - option -Q: define name of file which contents should be printed - additional progress info during output phase - some changes of the documentation - new registration conditions - new registration fees LXT 1.32 - option -HTML: generate HTML (HyperText Markup Language) output file - option -RTF: generate RTF (Rich Text Format) output file, can be compiled as Windows Helpfile - option -TAGS: generate TAGS file - option -touch: touch file information in database if not up-to-date - internal database structure changed - statistical file information extended - Rational Rose output extended LXT 1.30 - Windows 3.1 and Win32s (Windows 3.1, Windows 4.0, Windows NT) versions 1.04-1.30 released LXT 1.21 - error with combination of options -L -time fixed (message disk write error) - error with overwrites of command and file list files with option -G fixed - error with option -iname fixed - option -noundef: ignore undefined functions in output tree chart - option -defmacro: recognize 'defmacro' in SCHEME source code LXT 1.20 First official release of LXT LISP Exploration Tools as part of the SXT Software Exploration Tools.