REGISTERING WINCAT ------------------ WinCat/PRO is offered as 'AidWare'. It's a full-function, non-crippled product. Nevertheless, it is copyrighted and NOT free : if you use WinCat, you must register it. The registration-fee for a personal license is US$ 15.00 / Hfl. 25,00. ALL THIS FOR A LOUSY FIFTEEN BUCKS ? Yep. Well, it may be peanuts to you and me, but in some parts of the world 15 bucks can make the difference between life and death. If this fact comes as a shock to you I suggest you watch the evening news once in a while... That's why I'll donate every received registrationfee to the Dutch Foster Parents Plan (FPP) organisation, a member of Plan International. (Plan International has branches in Australia, Belgium, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Japan, the United States and the Netherlands.) FPP provides material and financial support to developmentprojects in so-called 3rd-world countries all around the globe. These projects involve children's education, agricultural development, providing medical care etc. And believe me : it doesn't take billions to do something worthwhile. For about US$ 4,000 they can build a little school ; with US$ 5,000 they can provide means so threehundred families can have fresh water every day. One of the planned projects of FPP is to build a medical centre in the Kandi district on Sri Lanka. Of course a project like this is a bit more expensive : US$ 70,000. But, believe it or not : although I'll have to sell a -beep- lot of WinCat licenses to raise that kind of money : my goal is to raise enough funds to enable FPP to actually build this 'WinCat' Medical Centre ! (with the cat logo on the front door, of course). Maybe that's (as somebody once elegantly put it) 'dreaming the impossible dream'. But then, what would life be without dreams... And what's more : we're a worldwide community of over 3 million Windows users, and we all have the same problem : a stack of floppy-disks... If I can get 2 of every 1000 of you to use WinCat (no problem I guess) and to pay for it (oops), WinCat Medical Centre becomes reality ! Wouldn't it be just great if we, WinCat users, actually managed to achieve this ? Come on, admit it, you too would be proud of this ! So, why not share the dream and make it come true : register WinCat ! File ORDERFRM.DOC tells you how to do that. (Hmm, I should consider going into politics writing demagogic stuff like this...) Of course I'll try to keep you informed about the WinCat project ; subsequent WinCat releases will include a file that tells you what has happened and how much money has been raised sofar. By the way : as of WinCat version 3.1 I'll display a random selection of the names of people who registered on WinCat's 'Hall of Fame' window ! Imagine... your name on the silver screen... your friends will be AMAZED... your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend will (finally ?) respect you... and because WinCat is distributed through WIN*NET you'll become instantly worldfamous ! And if they publish WinCat on CD-ROM... IMMORTAL !!! And all this for a mere 15 bucks... Definitely the best deal since Peter Stuyvesant (Dutch guy too by the way) bought Manhattan from the Indians for 50 dollars and a bottle of gin ! PS If you like WinCat : why not try to convince your boss that you desperately need it at work, and that it's really worthwhile to order a site-license ? (And to have your company's logo in WinCat !) If you like WinCat and the AidWare concept, and also know a way to get a review of WinCat in a local PC magazine... well, need I say more ? If you're not interested in registering WinCat, but like the AidWare idea : donations are accepted with the utmost gratitude also !