Internet Shopper - Mail Server for NT Solutions

This WWW page will describe solutions to problems as I received them. Please look here before mailing me! If the none of these apply in your situation, please would you send your problem details with the following information (where applicable). This will help speed up the reply and save us from having to ask you for further details. If you can repeat the problem, this will help us immensely. To date, only one problem (registry key failing) has been repeated here!

My key will not validate

We have found the following things that prevent the key from validating properly:


"The recipient "..." is not acceptable to your SMTP server

This is caused by the SMTPD not recognising the name of the person you are trying to send mail to in the local domain. SMTPD will search the list of aliases in "mailbox0", "mailbox1"... until it finds a mail box to place the mail in. When it finds a box, the mail is placed in it and everything is OK. If no box was found AND the "defaultbox" has not be defined (or exists), the mail will be refused and Eudora will print the message you saw.

To fix the problem, check you have set up all the user names correctly and add the default mailbox option. For example:

smtpd\mailbox0 MBX:brian brian root hostmaster smtpd\mailbox1 MBX:david david dave smtpd\defaultbox root With this definition, mail to "brian@domain", "root@domain" and "hostmaster@domain" will go into a mail box called "brian.mbx". Mail for "david@domain" and "dave@domain" will go into a mail box called "david.mbx". Any other mail will go to user with an alias of "root@domain" which, in this case, is mail box "brian.mbx". (Where domain is the domain name of your network, in our case it is "").

Destroyed Message

This is caused by an ineteraction between Eudora and Windows NT and is nothing to do with the mail software. Support from Qualcomm (producers of Eudora) replied:

Try clicking the "blah, blah, blah" switch in the message window. Does that make the whole message appear? If so, it is a known problem with NT that we are still investigating.

We have discovered that closing Eudora down and re-starting usually solves this problem.

32-bit Eudora

The official response from Qualcomm (producers of Eudora) is:

Currently, Eudora runs under NT in Windows emulation. Currently there are no plans for a native NT version. I'll pass you suggestion along to the developers. You can send suggestions to them, too, by sending a message to So please would you send a note to Qualcomm! May be we can get a 32-bit version which will make better use of NT and Windows 95.

Interface Problem

This problem manifests itself when your machine has too or more internet interfaces. The software picks up the default interface and will only accept mail connections from that interface. The result is you can post from one interface but not the other. The only solution to this problem is a software upgrade to NTMAIL01.ZIP or above. This is now available in the usual place.

To install the new version, simply stop your service and copy the new executable over the old one. Then restart the service. You may note that the POP server has been changed to POP3D (rather than POPD). You have the choice of un-installing the POPD (using ".\popd -u") and installing the new one, or simply copy the new one on top of the old one.

It stopped working...

This is shareware and the version released will stop working on the 1st February 1995. How about getting a full working version?

Post sends the same message lots of times

This is a problem caused by network transients. It has proved very difficult to duplicate - however a fix has been created and this is available in the latest version of NTMAIL04.ZIP (from 1/3/95).

AA$$$$$$.MBX never gets sent

Ocassionally network conditions cause NTMAIL a slight problem and a thread is spontaneously killed by something in NT. This leaves a file handle open which is only released when POST stops. However, the mail will have been sent - the problem is that the old mail box cannot be deleted.

The solution is to stop SMTP (to prevent new mail arriving). Try to move the mail message to a different file name (use the MOVE command, not COPY). If this fails, the mail has been sent. If successful the mail is still waiting to be sent. Stop POST and delete the mail messages you previously identified. Start the POST and SMTP services.

A fix will be included for this in version 2.06. (16th March 1995)