FONTBOOK Those of us who work in a DTP environment know how important it is to have high quality specimen sheets of the various typefaces on the system. This 'Typeface Book' or 'Specimen Book' can be shown to clients and designers, or used by the operators themselves to examine the quality and artistic merit of various typefaces. In the past I have maintained such a book by printing the specimen sheets out of Pagemaker, changing the typeface for each page as I go. As a system grows, and the number of typefaces installed exceeds ,say, 300, this becomes a laborious business, and the results are not always high quality. Some time ago, I began to look for a program that would do the job automatically. I downloaded several shareware programs from Compuserve that looked promising, but the results were disappointing - specimen sheets designed by programmers, not by DTP types. I could find nothing that produced sheets with a clean, professional look, the sort of thing that you would be pleased to show your most difficult client. There were several good programs for the MAC, but nothing really great for the PC. So I wrote my own - here it is. Fontbook allows the user to print out specimen sheets to a variety of different designs. Each has a different purpose in mind. More details are in the help file. Fontbook also allows the user to view the typeface on screen, in large clear type - no more squinting at charmap - as well as up to 100 typefaces against each other, and examine the bold, italic and bold/italic permutations of a typeface. Once I began to use this program in the workplace, I found it indispensible. Now the plug... *************************************************************************** Of course Fontbook is shareware, and I would like some return on my efforts. The cost is $20.00 for business use, $10.00 for home use. Please send to Arron Davies Post Office Box 82 West Ryde NSW 2114 Australia. **************************************************************************** Also, its copywrite, so please only distribute with this file intact and included. Thanks.