Group registeration is allowed only then, if 3 or more are going to register same program. Then program will be posted to the order. (S)He copies program to other orders. Please fulfil the question form too (quesform.txt) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date( __.__.__ Platinum Software order form ---------------------------------- I order... Group registeration [ ] (Prices in the brackets) Reg SW Program Language Description ------------------------------------------------------- [ ] [ ] 1x2 Rich v. 1.1 Normal F Finnish Bettings 40(30)mk / 15(13)US$ [ ] [ ] 1x2 Rich v. 1.1 Pro F Finnish Bettings 50(40)mk / 18(15)US$ [ ] [ ] The Crush v. 1.52 Normal E Tank Game 40(30)mk / 15(13)US$ [ ] [ ] The Crush v. 1.52 DeLuxe E Tank Game 60(50)mk / 20(18)US$ [ ] [ ] The Crush v. 1.52 MultiCrushE Tank Game 80(60)mk / 25(20)US$ [ ] [ ] EksaMedia v. 1.1 Normal E Mediaplayer(S3M) 40(30)mk / 15(13)US$ [ ] [ ] Too Many Secrets v. 1.0 E Cryptprogram 50(40)mk / 15(13)US$ [ ] PS levels for Auts 1 - Levels for Auts You can order free SW program to test the program. Anyway, if you don't order anything that costs, we take 20mk / 5US$ for shipping. Name: __________________________________ Addres:__________________________________ _________________________________________ E-Mail addres:_________@________________ WWW-page:_______________________________ Age: __ Phone: ___+___-______ Fax: ___+___-______ Where did you get program (Put addres/number with)? __________________________________________________________ Your computer (SB?,Printer?,Win95?,OS/2?)_____________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Question, Tips, Bugs, etc. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Something else: ______________________________________________________________