Readme file for script.exe That's right, yet another Windows script program. The big difference is that this one is free _and_ you get the source, but wait if you order now we'll throw in the Ginsu knives, the apple peeler and the four-in-one kitchen wonder. That also means that if you want to change it you can, but don't come back to the author with your 300 line hack wanting him to fix "his" program. You break it, you own it. I kept script simple because I had simple needs. If your needs are more complex you probably want to look elsewhere, there are several excellent scripting programs available which will undoubtedly fit the bill. Script is a small program which allows automation of Windows (95/NT) tasks through the use of files containing command lists. It is, with the exception of the actual scripts, self contained. That means no external dll's, no registry entries, no ini files. To install script, just copy script.exe to an appropriate directory. If the scripts are in a different directory than the executable then the full path to them will need to be specified. Script was written in (gasp) C using Microsoft Visual C/C++ 4.2.  I don't have any other compiler so if you make changes and can't get it to compile correctly using the compiler you got from Burger King with the kiddie meal, you are on your own.  If you are successful and want to send me the necessary steps, (readme's, makefiles, etc.) to include in the package I will be glad to, however, your name will be prominently displayed and all questions will be forwarded to you. The input to script is a text file with a default extension of .scr. Commands are contained one on each line and blank lines and lines whose first nonblank character is a ; are ignored. Lines which begin with a : are labels and may not contain commands. Commands are not case sensitive: Start, start and sTaRt are equivalent. The commands available are: start description: start is used to run a program. The full path name and the file extension are required. Command line options may be included after the executable. Quotes are not necessary and the backslash character _must_ be escaped (i.e. \\). start may be followed optionally by min or max which will cause the window to open minimized (an icon) or normally. The default is max. A startup directory may be optionally included as well. If the startup directory is appended then min or max _must_ be specified (no place holders). syntax: start,program[,min|max][,startup directory] example: start,c:\\winnt\\notepad.exe start,c:\\winnt\\system32\\ /c h:\\temp\\test.bat,min start,c:\\winnt\\welcome.exe,max,c:\\winnt wait description: wait will cause the program to loop waiting for a window whose title text matches the text string which follows the wait command. An optional timeout value may be specified (in .001 second increments), if this value is not given then the default value is "wait forever". If a timeout occurs the internal error flag is set to true and onerr can be used to branch to a handler. Special characters contained in the text string must be escaped (, \ % ^ ? *). The string _is_ case sensitive and must match _exactly_. The exception to this is the use of the two wild card characters: ? and *. The question mark is a single character wild card and will match any character appearing in the same position, i.e. a?b?c will match a1b2c or aabbc, but not abc or a11b11c. The asterisk is an n character wild card and will match 0 or more characters appearing in the same position, i.e. a*b*c will match abc, alphabet soup can, or aabbc. Note: two windows with exactly the same title text (i.e. script.c - Notepad) are undifferentiable and the command will act on the first one encountered in the task list which may not produce the expected results. A clever programmer will realize that wait/onerror can also be used to test if a program is already running. syntax: wait,window title[,timeout] example: wait,readme - Notepad wait,Microsoft Word - Document1,10000 send description: send is used to force characters to a window whose title text matches the text string which follows the send command. The string _is_ case sensitive and must match _exactly_. The exception to this is the use of the two wild card characters: ? and *. The question mark is a single character wild card and will match any character appearing in the same position, i.e. a?b?c will match a1b2c or aabbc, but not abc or a11b11c. The asterisk is an n character wild card and will match 0 or more characters appearing in the same position, i.e. a*b*c will match abc, alphabet soup can, or aabbc. The string sent is the last parameter on the line. Special characters contained in the text string must be escaped (, \ % ^ ? * $ #). The % and ^ characters have special meaning: unescaped the % will cause an Alt-key sequence to be sent and the ^ will cause the character immediately following to be converted to a control character. The unescaped $ character indicates that the two characters following it are a function key number. The two characters _must_ be numeric in the range of 1-12 inclusive. The unescaped # character indicates that the two characters following it are a hexidecimal representation. Legal values are 0-9, A-F, and a-f. (Yeah, I know, it's awkward). Additional escape sequences are defined: \n will cause a return to be sent and \t will send a tab. ? and * must be escaped even though they have no special meaning here. Note: two windows with exactly the same title text (i.e. script.c - Notepad) are undifferentiable and the command will act on the first one encountered in the task list which may not produce the expected results. syntax: send,window title,text string example: send,readme - Notepad,This is a line\nand this is the second line delay description: delay causes the script to pause for the number of .01 second increments specified after the delay command. syntax: delay,number example: delay,500 msgbox description: Display text in a message box. Use $syserr for the text string to print the text of the last system error. Default display mode is MB_OK | MB_SYSTEMMODAL. Legitimate values are any combination of the following (the numeric sum must be used not the symbol). MB_OK 0x00000000L MB_OKCANCEL 0x00000001L MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE 0x00000002L MB_YESNOCANCEL 0x00000003L MB_YESNO 0x00000004L MB_RETRYCANCEL 0x00000005L MB_ICONHAND 0x00000010L MB_ICONQUESTION 0x00000020L MB_ICONEXCLAMATION 0x00000030L MB_ICONASTERISK 0x00000040L MB_USERICON 0x00000080L MB_ICONWARNING MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_ICONERROR MB_ICONHAND MB_ICONINFORMATION MB_ICONASTERISK MB_ICONSTOP MB_ICONHAND MB_DEFBUTTON1 0x00000000L MB_DEFBUTTON2 0x00000100L MB_DEFBUTTON3 0x00000200L MB_DEFBUTTON4 0x00000300L MB_APPLMODAL 0x00000000L MB_SYSTEMMODAL 0x00001000L MB_TASKMODAL 0x00002000L MB_HELP 0x00004000L // Help Button MB_NOFOCUS 0x00008000L MB_SETFOREGROUND 0x00010000L MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY 0x00020000L MB_TOPMOST 0x00040000L MB_RIGHT 0x00080000L MB_RTLREADING 0x00100000L MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION 0x00200000L MB_TYPEMASK 0x0000000FL MB_ICONMASK 0x000000F0L MB_DEFMASK 0x00000F00L MB_MODEMASK 0x00003000L MB_MISCMASK 0x0000C000L syntax: msgbox,text string[,display mode] example: msgbox,this is a test,3 onerror descripton: Onerror allows conditional branching based on the results of the last start or wait command. Control is transferred to the label name contained in the onerror line. Labels can be before or after the current line. syntax: onerror,label example: onerror,exit . . . :exit goto description: goto allows unconditional branching. Control is transferred to the label name contained in the goto line. Labels can be be before or after the current line. syntax: goto,label example: goto,exit . . . :exit while description: while waits for a window to close. The text of the window must match the text following the while command exactly. The exception to this is the use of the two wild card characters: ? and *. The question mark is a single character wild card and will match any character appearing in the same position, i.e. a?b?c will match a1b2c or aabbc, but not abc or a11b11c. The asterisk is an n character wild card and will match 0 or more characters appearing in the same position, i.e. a*b*c will match abc, alphabet soup can, or aabbc. An optional timeout value may be specified (in .001 second increments), if this value is not given then the default value is "wait forever". If a timeout occurs the internal error flag is set to true and onerr can be used to branch to a handler. syntax: while,window title[,timeout] example: while,Untitled - Notepad onexist descripton: onexist checks for the file specified immediately after the onexist command. If the file exists, control is transferred to the label whose name appears immediately after the filename. Special characters (, \ % ^ ? * $ #) which appear in the filename string must be escaped. syntax: onexist,filename,label example: onexist,c:\\winnt\\notepad.exe,loop onmsgrtn description onmsgrtn is used to branch on the button pressed in a message box. The legal values are: ABORT, CANCEL, IGNORE, NO, OK, RETRY, and YES. syntax: onmsgrtn,button,label example: onmsgrtn,YES,exit Special character sequences: % Alt Character following is alt-char ^ Control Character following is a control character ! Shift Character following is a shift character \n newline Equivalent to pressing the enter key \t tab Equivalent to pressing the tab key \, comma Commas must be escaped within literal strings to avoid being interpreted as separators \> right Equivalent to pressing the cursor right arrow \< left Equivalent to pressing the cursor left arrow \^ up Equivalent to pressing the cursor up arrow \v down Equivalent to pressing the cursor down arrow \\ backslash Backslashes must be escaped within literal strings to avoid being interpreted as escapes \? question mark Must be escaped within literal strings to avoid being interpreted as wildcards \* asterisk Must be escaped within literal strings to avoid being interpreted as wildcards \$ dollar sign Must be escaped within literal strings to avoid being interpreted as a function key \# pound sign Must be escaped within literal strings to avoid being interpreted as a hex preamble \! exclamation Must be escaped within literal strings to avoid being interpreted as a shift shift Things to do: branching on message box return values improve error checking wrt use of attributes Known Bugs: Windows 95 dos box doesn't accept keystrokes