RevIt - Reveal It - V1.1 Reveal those hidden programs and system logs of Win95. ========================================== ===== Studio 9 Quality Seal Software ===== ================== RevIt ================= ======REVIT11.ZIP============[32-bit]===== ========================================== * WHAT DOES IT DO Windows 95 has a set of 'hidden' programs and logs for the power user. RevIt gives you easy access to them by just the press of a button. Depending on your installation of Windows 95, it is possible that some programs or logs are not available. RevIt gives you access to : - The Registry Editor - The System Files Editor - Make win3.x programs compatible with Win95 - The tip of the day - The File Manager - The Program Manager - The Task Manager (new in RevIt V1.1) - The OLE Packager - The Boot log - The Detected Hardware log - The Setup Log - The Scandisk Log * WARNING Although RevIt itself shouldn't do any harm to your system, messing around with the Registry Editor and the system files can ! So only use the Registry Editor and edit the System files if you know what you're doing. * INSTALLATION NOTES Common system file you need to run RevIt : VB40032.DLL Probably you already have it in your system directory, if not, search it on the net or on a good BBS (like S9 BBS;) Copy contents of the archive into a directory on your harddisk and make a shortcut to revit.exe. RevIt looks at its best on a display with at least 256 colors. * REVISION HISTORY V0.1 9-3-1997 Beta version. Never released. Looked rather clunky. V1.0 10-3-1997 First release. Added an 'about' button and polished it up (made an Icon, changed some properties). Even tried to make a decent readme.txt. V1.1 11-3-1997 Added Task Manager. Changed focus setting on started programs. Now focus will not stay with RevIt, but will be passed on to the newly started program. Changed the colour of the formerly black square around the 'finetune system' into red (as a warning). * UPDATES If you live in sweet Belgium, call my BBS for the latest version of RevIt and other Studio 9 Quality Seal software : ______ BRUSSELS - BELGIUM _____ / _____| _ _ _ / ___ \ | (____ | |_ _ _ __| ||_| ___ | |___| | IOOIIIOOI\____ \O| _|| | | |I/ _ || |O/ _ \IOIOI\____, |IOIOOIIOOI _____) || |_ | |_| || (_| || || (_) | ____| | |______/ \__| \____| \____||_| \___/ |_____/ S9 BBS (02) 512 48 24,,,,,33 that's plus 5 commas and '33' -- needed to bypass our voice system don't worry, your modem & commprog know how to handle those commas Free downloads & online games --- Don't delay, call today! Or visit our site at * COPYRIGHT This program is copyrighted Freeware and freely distributable. Comments, questions and bug reports to If you like this program, write us a mail telling so, or sign our guestbook on our website. Don't forget to mention which program. People wanting to include this program on a CD-Rom may do so if they send us 1 copy of the CD-Rom and 1 copy of the (eventually) matching magazine. Write to for the postal address. Copyright 1997 Studio 9 & Jan Jacob * LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO (yawn yawn) ALL SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREIN IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. STUDIO 9 NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANY PERSON TO ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER LIABILITY. In no event will Studio 9 be liable for any loss of profits, loss of use, direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of the Software distributed herein. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Studio 9 is a trademark of Jan Jacob.